Back to NewMexicoTeam wiki page {{}} '''September, 13 2007 meeting Minutes''' '''Weekly Meeting of the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo''' '''Members Present''' *David Thomas dthomasdigital *Eric Kriger gcleric *uuwsley *tritium '''Others Present''' *some lurkers but no one chimed in '''Proceedings''' Meeting called to order at 8:09pm by Member David Thomas '''Topics Discussed''' Well after dthomasdigital fixed all his technical issues, we talked about 3 very important topics Support, Community, and events. We talked about Software Freedom Day and wanted to think about an Install fest in November, next event will be the Gutsy release party in October. Meeting adjourned 9:15pm '''Assessment of Meeting''' Good talk about the direction and promotion of the LoCo Meeting minutes submitted by David Thomas Back to NewMexicoTeam wiki page