I, Sergio Schvezov, apply to become an Ubuntu Member and for upload rights for:

About Me


I'm a generation X or Y person depending on when the cutoff date is. For someone who lived in Argentina and in a non early network connected town, I consider myself an early adopter starting with Slackware from a huge set of floppies from a magazzine called Solo Programadores only to discover my family PC was not supported as it had a Triden 9440 card, given the family PC status, I abandoned it until a couple years later where I discovered Red Hat 5.2 and later on Debian (IIRC woody) which was the distribution I stuck with the longest after Ubuntu in the later years.

After getting my first broadband connection I turned into what some people call a *distro hopper* (they didn't last more than a month, except for Gentoo and LFS which took a month to install); you could also include the *BDSs and Solaris/OpenSolaris in those distros.

With regards to work; I've been hired in the past by Motorola where I used Solaris extensively to QA what became TEAM where I worked mostly on the installations, test environments and the actual protocols (SIP, PTT, Cellular/GSM).

I then moved on to work at Intel; where I started out in IT and lab management and spread Ubuntu all over the place and had the first Linux installation in the commercial datacenter. I then moved on to work for Intel's AppUp for MeeGo, which looked pretty much like Ubuntu Software Center now and had apps promoted though it's panels (much like Ubuntu's Lens).

Actual ME

Come 2012, I moved on to work for Canonical; I love the work here, the openness and community around Ubuntu. My dedication was initially on Ubuntu for Android but shortly after became part of the team that started building the phablet, now called Ubuntu Touch and hopefully soon, just Ubuntu Smile :-) That team today is the Ubuntu Phone Foundtations team.

Starting 2015 I joined the task force, no team existed until recently, to work on snappy Ubuntu Core, focusing on provisioning and the snappy. tool itself initially and since September 2015 fully focusing on snapcraft..

Contact Information






sergiusens [at] gmail.com




Current uploads rights (PPU) for:

Previously to start work on snappy Ubuntu Core, I mostly worked around what adds up to Ubuntu Touch, here's an unordered list:

You can often find me on #snappy, #ubuntu-touch, #ubuntu-ar and #ubuntu-devel on freenode.

My relevant talks at events (outside of [v]UDS) are:

I'm also trying to bootstrap (revive) the Argentina Loco: * http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ar/3251-resucitando-el-loco-argentina/

Things I can do better

Future Goals


Note: This section is for people who aren't Ubuntu members to cheer or comments that aren't testimonials from existing members.


Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application.

If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.

I've worked with Sergio on Ubuntu Touch for over a year now. I have no hesitation in writing a completely positive testimonial for him. Sergio is hard working, professional, conscientious and good fun to drink beer with. Without Sergio I'm sure Ubuntu Touch wouldn't be as far along as it is right now. As well as being an asset to the company he's of great value to the community. -- AlanPope

I've been working with Sergio for more than a year too, and it's a pleasure to write something nice about him today! Sergio is easy to interact with, he is very deep technically and he always tries to find the root cause of issues and fix them in ways they will never occur again, yet he keeps a pragmatic attitude to getting things done and knows how to write good Python, shell and packaging! He's always listening to other opinions carefully and seeks consensus. I highly recommend interacting with Sergio! Smile :-) -- Loïc Minier

Sergio shows outstanding packaging skills. I sponsored various packages for him in the past and also recieved packaging fixes multiple times for my own stuff in main. He definitely qualifies for core-dev upload rights, is handling changes and tests of these prior to uploading more responsible that some actual core-devs i know and is very dedicated to working with the community. It would be a big loss for the developer team as well as the community (where he often invests big amounts of time into user support too) to not have him -- Oliver Grawert

I've been working with Sergio since we started Ubuntu Touch, and saw the many packaging skills improvements he got over the time (besides being critical for most of the core features with now have in Ubuntu Touch). I sponsored many packages already, and it's always a joy as he is really easy to work with, besides always being open minded to learn and keep improving his skills. I have no doubt that he will be a great ubuntu developer Smile :-) (and hope to see him becoming core-dev this year still) -- RicardoSalveti

I sponsored only a handful of packages for Sergio, but I worked together with him on a variety of things, reviewed packaging and code and have like everybody else above only good things to say about him. He's very thorough, happy to learn something new, easy to work with, wants to get stuff done and just the person you would like to be core dev. I have full trust in his work and abilities. -- dholbach 2015-11-19 08:18:07

I worked with Sergio on coding and packaging. He has deep technical knowledge, works very thoroughly, is easy to get along with and has lots of good ideas. Sergio will be a good core-dev -- mvo

Specific Experiences of working together

Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.

Areas of Improvement

SergioSchvezov (last edited 2016-01-18 15:54:39 by sergiusens)