
In the Karmic cycle, we began producing ubuntu-server machine images that would run on ec2 or on UEC. The images would be tested running inside UEC and inside EC2. However, the test cases (here and here) were manual.

In the Lucid cycle, we would like to have automated testing of the daily build images, including features added to them in ServerLucidCloudConfig and ServerLucidCloudBoothooks.

Release Note

The Ubuntu Server cloud images are now tested in an automated fashion. This has helped to produce higher quality images, and catch regressions earlier.


The testing done for our Ubuntu server cloud images in Karmic was all manual. This included all the shortcomings of manual test. The tests are expensive in terms of human resources to run, generally had poor coverage, and missed failures were common.

Automated test will provide us the ability to more thoroughly test the images and also to catch errors or regressions early. When running these tests on UEC, they will also serve to test the UEC installation. Additionally, if the test infrastructure is written to use the euca2ools those tools will also be being tested.

User stories



Overall, the intent is for these tests to be done in a manner which is most consistent with other automated tests run by the QA team. In the UDS Session, we came up with a list (see 'BoF agenda and discussion') of the things that we would like to test. Additionally it seemed like the most consistent way to test these was to consider each region (us-east-1 and us-west-1) and instance-type to be a "machine". Then, the test suite would be run on each of these "machines" and test results recorded.




The ISO tracker tests and wiki tests should point to automated daily build test results for the given images. We probably will want to still do some human sniff testing of these images, but generally will rely on the automated tests.


The resources for UEC testing are not in place in time

Category: IS resources
Probability: 60%
Risk threat level: High

Mitigation plan

Mitigation Strategy:
Use two spare machines in the hardware certification labs to set up this testing.


  1. Scott Moser: identify minimal requirements of the UEC for testing
  2. Marc Tardif: identify two spares machines that matches the requirements
  3. Marc Tardif: Give access to Scott and Ara to those machines.
  4. Scott Moser: Set up a cloud for testing in the machines offered by the HW certification team.
  5. Ubuntu QA Server: Use the specified cloud for the testing

The Ubuntu QA Server position is not filled in time to address all the blueprints in Lucid

Category: Human resources
Probability: 80%
Risk threat level: High

Mitigation plan

Mitigation Strategy:
Use an already available QA resource, working together with Scott Moser, to achieve as many work items as possible


  1. Scott Moser: identify minimal requirements of the UEC for testing
  2. Ubuntu QA Manager: decide which work items are going to be addressed and postpone the rest of them
  3. Ara Pulido: work closely with Scott to address some of the most important work items

Test/Demo Plan

This spec generally covers testing of other features.

Unresolved issues


BoF agenda and discussion

ISO tracker tests for karmic UEC images



What do we want to test



ServerLucidCloudImageTest (last edited 2010-01-26 10:25:35 by 63)