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Develop a set of server user cases as part of a thorough Ubuntu Server QA testing process. This follows up on the UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer configuration and wizard spec.


While there are numerous server combinations, a set of typical user cases can be developed that will provide a thorough server testing process. The use cases can be developed into a set of scripts in an automated testing process.

Use cases

A good set of Use Cases needs to be established (should use some kind of experimental design techniques but for now just pick a few)

Services identified in UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer Basic" Network Services

Access to/from the outside/internet


File Storage



Use Cases identified in UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer

Classifying the uses cases (from UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer)

New network / new office:

Existing network

Software Combinations Web Server

Database Server

Web Languages

Hardware Combinations


Initially, create several use cases for small business setups. Once a process seems to be working well, larger use cases can be accomodated.


A good experimental design should be established for the various combinations of services, use cases, hardware, software


1) "Typical" business use cases need to be determined (several were identified in page UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer and some notes above). 2) Once key cases have been determined (try for about 20 cases), then detailed installation how-tos can be created for each case. 3) A good server how-to wiki template should be created. 4) The how-tos then form a set of test installations that can become part of the QA process. 5) Eventually a set of automated installation scripts could be created for the use cases and these can become part of an automated test.

First goal will be 2-4 use cases.


The first phase requires no coding except to coordinate with the configuration and wizard installation coding.

Data preservation and migration


Unresolved issues

This is a first rough cut - typical use cases to follow

BoF agenda and discussion


ServerQA (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:55 by localhost)