= Server Team - Proposed Migration Notes = This collects notes and findings from the [[https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#ubuntu-server|server team's proposed migration page]] for the current development release. This page lists packages that are stuck in proposed due to a variety of issues, some of which are in-scope for the server team, others of which may have broader causes. == Blocked Packages == Below are the server team's collective guesses as to what's going on with some of the packages listed as blocked from migration. === ruby2.5 / ruby2.7 === TBD? blocks gmp and rubygems-integration === mysql-8.0 === TBD? === kronosnet === Failure on i386 Appears due to unmet dependencies for gcc:i386 and make:i386 This is likely fixable by replacing the test dependencies on gcc and make with a test dependency on build-essential (the autopkgtest cross-test implementation special-cases build-essential, mapping it to build-essential:native + crossbuild-essential-$arch:native). -- This was done for 1.14-1ubuntu1. Now the test build is working, but the configure test fails on i386 due to missing package 'nss'. The other two tests may be failing due to configure not working. The test control requires libnss3-dev, which is available on i386, but the 'nss' package itself is not included for i386. == Current Transitions Notes == * php7.4 transition upcoming, but hasn't started yet * ruby transition upcoming, but hasn't started yet === Python 2 Deprecation === Doko writes, "One more update, the unversioned python packages are now gone in focal. There will be some cleanup to do for NBS and build dependencies. A more complete follow-up will be sent next week. I removed a lot of packages from focal to get this done. Apologies if that affects any derivative. Please contact me on irc or via email to restore those package. However I don't have the resources to actively port these packages to Python3." === Python 3.8 Transition === These items appear blocked due to the [[https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/python3.7-8.html]] python 3.8 transition. On Focal tests related to python Christian has seen a zillion of these "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:838: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used". None in server packages, but some cleanup for that is likely to follow. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-python/+bug/1863195 == Ruby 2.7 Transition == Lucas put out proposal to mailing list. So far, builds going ok in PPA, no known problems. == PHP 7.4 Transition == Bryce put out proposal to mailing list. Debian is working actively on this ATM. == Final Notes == The proposed migration list is highly volatile; packages come and go on a regular basis. So, if this page's last update is more than a few days ago it is probably outdated. If it hasn't been updated in a few weeks, it's probably obsolete. (And if it hasn't been updated in a few months, please feel free to delete it since it's evidently no longer used.)