## page was copied from ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <> ||<>|| == Last Update: 2011-05-17 == == Milestoned Features == || Canonical engineer assigned || || Community engineer assigned || ##<> ##A full [[ServerTeam/NattyBlueprints|committed feature list]] is available. == Milestone BurnDown == ~+Click Image for Details+~ ##[[http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-server-ubuntu-11.04.html|{{http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-server-ubuntu-11.04.svg}}]] == Detailed Milestoned Feature Status == ||~-'''Color'''-~||~-'''Definition'''-~|| ||~-'''Red'''-~||~-In danger of not making this release-~|| ||~-'''Yellow'''-~||~-Has issues that need to be resolved in order to make the release-~|| ||~-'''Green'''-~||~-No issues and on track for delivery in this release-~|| ||~-'''Dark Green'''-~||~-Not yet started, expected to make the release-~|| ||~-'''Grey'''-~||~-Deferred-~|| ||~-'''''Light Blue'''''-~||~-Done-~|| ##<> ##A full [[ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/NattyDetail|detailed feature breakdown]] is available. == Milestoned Bugs == === Outstanding === ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * {status} === In progress === n/a ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * {status} === Not critical for release === n/a ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * {status} === Fixed or fix-committed === n/a ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * {status} === Deferred === n/a ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * Deferred to {milestone} == Release-targeted Bugs == n/a ## * Bug:000000 - {description} ## * {status}