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Revision 2 as of 2005-06-04 08:51:05
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Revision 52 as of 2014-10-22 15:10:09
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= ServerTeam = <<Include(ServerTeam/Header)>>
~+The [[|Ubuntu Server team]] is working to make Ubuntu Server the best operating system for the cloud and other [[|scale-out]] services (e.g. hadoop).+~
We specifically focus on three key areas:
 1. Providing a robust and stable infrastructure for scale-out computing deployments,
 * Supporting the latest scale-out computing workloads and architectures,
 * Providing the right tools for orchestrating services within a scale-out computing environment.
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== Ubuntu Linux Server Team == Seems exciting ? Head to the [[ServerTeam/GettingInvolved|GettingInvolved]] page to find out how to contribute to the ServerTeam.
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The server team, under the able stewardship of Thom "I Bleed For Servers" May, aims to ensure that Ubuntu installs cleanly on data-center grade servers from all major manufacturers. While linux support for server hardware is now generally excellent, the servers themselves often present unusual challenges for the installer. Team Leader: Thom May. == Release Info ==
 * [[|Development Release Status]]
 * [[ServerTeam/SRUPolicy|Stable Release Updates]]
== Projects of Interest ==
 * [[|OpenStack]]
 * [[|Juju]]
 * [[|MAAS]]
 * [[|ARM Server]]
 * [[|LXC]]
 * [[|cloud-init]]
 * [[|Powernap]]
 * [[|Byobu]]
 * [[|Bcache]]
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=== Goals ===

 * Make Ubuntu first class general purpose server platform, with special emphasis on ease of use for the admin.
 * Diversify even more range of hardware platforms Ubuntu could use as a server system on.
 * Make sure Ubuntu servers scale nicely with workload.
 * Make Ubuntu an attractive server platform for orgs and coprporations.
 * Bring ubuntu to the state which allows it to seemingly assimilate in clustering environments.

=== Issues ===
Ubuntu is a desktop system common perception, how to change?

 * Education, Documentation: Ubuntu as a router, web/nfd/Samba/print/mail/http/content/telephony server.
 * Tools: make server bleeding edge available to skilled admins, make everybody a skilled admin in the future with easier tools and the right interfaces.
 * Marketing : Talk about how Ubuntu is already integrating nicely in hetrogeneous networks. (i.e. win/novell/linux/sun ...)
 * Special editions : Ubuntu Internet Server, Ubuntu Telephony Platform, Ubuntu LAN Server , Ubuntu DevHub Server ....

=== People ===

 * SivanGreen (documentation, planning, testing)
 * JeffBailey
 * Ghe Rivero

From JeffBailey Tue Feb 8 23:25:43 +0000 2005
From: Jeff Bailey
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 23:25:43 +0000
Subject: Thoughts I'd like to note down of things that I really want
Message-ID: <20050208232543+0000@>

Things I would love to see in the server distro:

* Some sort of /etc/iptables.d/ where packages could drop pieces discribing what they need opened on the firewall, and have a default deny all firewall installed as part of base.

* mailman come with the right pieces to integrate with exim4 and postfix. (And sendmail, but I know I'm the only one who loves sendmail here.. *sigh*)

* config lint checking at every server 'restart'. apache, bind9, and many others come with a pre-flight check. This should be run as part of a /etc/init.d/FOO restart, to make sure that the server can safely restart, and leave the server alone if the config file is not suitable.

* Remove inetd by default. It's too easy to have something silently add itself there.

From NiallSheridan Wed Feb 9 13:54:59 +0000 2005
From: Niall Sheridan
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 13:54:59 +0000
Subject: groupware
Message-ID: <>

How about a groupware server? Perhaps based on opengroupware, as it is web-based, but client plugins for Outlook and Evolution exist?

From MarkRzepa Wed Feb 9 15:09:51 +0000 2005
From: Mark Rzepa
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 15:09:51 +0000
Subject: System monitoring and self healing
Message-ID: <20050209150951+0000@>

It would be nice to see a server that monitors all it's services (apache, bind etc...) and maintains a "last known good" state, it if detects any problems with one of it's services, it should try and fix the problem by doing things like restart the service or it will automatically rollback any changes that have been made since it's "last know good" state. This could include restoring configuration files or downgrading packages to a previous version.

From JeffBailey Thu Feb 10 20:55:27 +0000 2005
From: Jeff Bailey
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 20:55:27 +0000
Subject: Audit logging for Apt
Message-ID: <20050210205527+0000@>

Apt should syslog what it did (before and after)

From MarkRzepa Fri Feb 11 00:26:41 +0000 2005
From: Mark Rzepa
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:26:41 +0000
Subject: RE: Audit logging for Apt
Message-ID: <20050211002641+0000@>

Generating meaningful reports based on the logged data would be an asset.
e.g. Monthly Package Update Report
     6 packaged updated
       4 due to security fixes
       1 due to bug fix
       1 due to new version release

From GheRivero Thu Mar 3 21:58:35 +0000 2005
From: Ghe Rivero
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 21:58:35 +0000
Subject: Central Managment
Message-ID: <20050303215835+0000@>

There should be a central control panel to see the state of the differents servers (Uptime, disk space, pending updates, services running), mainly in a Web interface to be available everywhere. The comunication between servers and the central can be done using XMLRPC over ssh. (Some thing like the RedHat Network but much better)

From GheRivero Thu Mar 3 22:29:09 +0000 2005
From: Ghe Rivero
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 22:29:09 +0000
Subject: SELinux
Message-ID: <20050303222909+0000@>

Default kernels and policy for the most used servers (web, mail) should be provided and active bu default

From AndrewMitchell Fri Mar 4 11:32:20 +0000 2005
From: Andrew Mitchell
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 11:32:20 +0000
Subject: SELinux tools
Message-ID: <20050304113220+0000@>

Kernels are enabled with the needed options (except networking hooks, it seems), and a policy is in selinux-policy-default that needs fixed up before hoary. A policy just for common daemons would be like Fedora's targetted policy.

From GheRivero Sun Mar 6 23:43:12 +0000 2005
From: Ghe Rivero
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 23:43:12 +0000
Subject: Central Managment
Message-ID: <20050306234312+0000@>

Something is been doing at the moment. It uses XMLRPC over ssh and python to access the servers, get info of them, manage package system. More improvement and a GUI is necesary.

From MatthewGibbons Mon Apr 11 01:23:21 +0100 2005
From: Matthew Gibbons
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 01:23:21 +0100
Subject: apt-get install ubuntu-sbs
Message-ID: <20050411012321+0100@>

I currently maintain a number of Microsoft Windows Small Business Servers, and to be honest, they are more of less a joy to administer. Out of the box you get integrated DHCP/DNS, shared files, shared printing, Exchange (with POP3 connector), MSSQL, firewall, intranet, and backup. I would like to see the same approach taken with ubuntu-sbs (this being a meta-package with dependencies to include all the necessary services). I have done some work along these lines already, but lack direction on Exchange replacement (Hula?).

From AndrewTimberlake-Newell Fri Apr 15 17:51:50 +0100 2005
From: Andrew Timberlake-Newell
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 17:51:50 +0100
Subject: Paying attention to Mom and Pop
Message-ID: <20050415175150+0100@>

Mine is just a bit similar to Matthew's. I'm currently planning a system for a small business with a globe-trotting sales force and needs for a server to synchronize and backup files via VPN...maybe with some later use as email/database. They're a touch phobic of non-MS systems, and I've been searching high and low for a distro targeted for migration from which at least clearly bills itself as doing the job and lists all the noteworthy features. Maybe even a highlighted set of instructions for migration from SBS to distro X.

From JimCheetham Mon Apr 18 00:40:29 +0100 2005
From: Jim Cheetham
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 00:40:29 +0100
Subject: UbuntuDownUnder?
Message-ID: <20050418004029+0100@>

Anyone (besides me :-) planning on attending the upcoming UbuntuDownUnder? I'd like to meet a few people interested in server issues ...

From shermann Mon Apr 18 23:15:27 +0100 2005
From: shermann
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:15:27 +0100
Subject: Ubuntu running as Server
Message-ID: <>

I replaced now my gentoo 2005.0 with ubuntu hoary 5.04
there r a couple of pitfalls and the debootstrap installation installs a nice workstation system after `base-config new` call <- has to be changed. After all, a nice work...StephanHermann

From JoelWagler Tue May 3 05:20:26 +0100 2005
From: Joel Wagler
Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 05:20:26 +0100
Subject: small buisness server.
Message-ID: <20050503052026+0100@>

I'd like to see the sbs server Like Matthew Gibsons. I'd like to see samba/ldap/groupware/backup/fileserver/print server/etc all properly setup and integrated in a server. I think Open Groupware might be a good choice as a groupware server. A groupware server ideally should
* Not depend on Java (open source issues)
* Integrate well with evolution, outlook, thunderbird, and other opensource clients
* Have a web interface.
* Be an "exchange" replacement.
* Integrate well with other products. Use open standards, choice of DB's, mail servers ideally.

In general you should be able to put an ubuntu server in and easily replace a microsoft server. Windows clients/ and Ubuntu clients should be well supported (Bonus would be Mac OS as well)

From JoelWagler Fri May 13 08:51:20 +0100 2005
From: Joel Wagler
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 08:51:20 +0100
Subject: SME server
Message-ID: <20050513085120+0100@>

Hello, all I think a good idea of what an ubuntu server edition would be SME server ( It's a linux, rpm based :( distro that integrates a lot of server stuff into a common interface. It has things like ldap, samba, ftp, ssh, vpn, dns, email, website, fileserver (quotas), backup, etc and all configurations can be accessed from a nice web interface. X windows is not even installed.

From PieterduPreez Sat May 28 17:18:54 +0100 2005
From: Pieter du Preez
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 17:18:54 +0100
Subject: SME Server
Message-ID: <20050528171854+0100@>

I cannot agree more. I am a Linux newbie and I have a home server, Apapche, LDAP, Samba, Mail, Proxy etc etc and it is on-line and available 100%. I run about 10 websites on it, have multiple users etc. SME server is a good approach for general users and given the uncertainty and lack of progress in the development of newer versions may just be ready for a "takeover" by Canonical

From AndrewVanSpronsen Sun May 29 15:25:45 +0100 2005
From: Andrew VanSpronsen
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 15:25:45 +0100
Subject: Server Team
Message-ID: <20050529152545+0100@>

Where is the work for this initiative taking place? Is there a mailing list and/or IRC chatroom that I am overlooking? If not, could this be setup? I am very interested in Ubuntu Server but there doesn't seem to be much community involvement? How can people get involved? Thanks! Andrew VanSpronsen

The Ubuntu Server team is working to make Ubuntu Server the best operating system for the cloud and other scale-out services (e.g. hadoop).

We specifically focus on three key areas:
  1. Providing a robust and stable infrastructure for scale-out computing deployments,
  2. Supporting the latest scale-out computing workloads and architectures,
  3. Providing the right tools for orchestrating services within a scale-out computing environment.

Seems exciting ? Head to the GettingInvolved page to find out how to contribute to the ServerTeam.

Release Info

Projects of Interest


ServerTeam (last edited 2022-02-10 14:05:02 by paelzer)