= Skype and Web Cameras = This page lists web cameras ("webcams") that are known to work with [[Skype]]. This may differ from the list of webcams working in general on Ubuntu, given [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras|here]]. For general webcam issues see [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam|here]]. == Instructions for contributing to the lists == * Specify which version of Skype you are using. The version number of Skype may be found in the middle of the ''about'' box, from the main menu. Entries that don't specify a version usually refer to the first beta, please test using the latest beta available on the [[http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/beta/|Skype Linux Beta]] page, or the last available stable release; Skype 2.0 (the version introducing webcam support) has been released as stable. Skype, for instance, is a Skype stable release (the latest one, at the moment I'm writing this). * To find out the device ID of your webcam, typing '''lsusb''' in a terminal window will list all USB devices on your system. Try to find the relevant line for your webcam. The ID then appears after "ID" on that line, in the form xxxx:xxxx where each "x" is an hexadecimal digit 0-9, a-f. * If your webcam is working on some applications other than Skype 2.0 beta, then it would be useful to know what particular driver your webcam is using. To find out, type '''lsmod | grep videodev'''. The driver name will appear on the line starting with "videodev". * If your webcam works with V4L2, but not with V4L (you can check this with gstreamer-properties), you may try [[http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-914952.html|one of these hacks]]. * Remember that Skype cannot access a camera video stream if another program (like Cheese or guvcview) is already viewing it. Close any such program and re-select the Skype video settings preview image before concluding that it doesn't work. == List of cameras that "just work" == ||'''Make and Model''' || '''Ubuntu Version''' || '''Device Id'''|| '''Driver''' || Notes || || !A4Tech PK-130MG || 9.04 || 09da:022b || gspca || Works out of the box with Cheese. For Skype, need some fix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#See%20also || || Alcor Micro Corp || 10.04-64bit || 058f:3881 || uvcvideo,gspca_main || Chip set used by a variety of inexpensive Chinese cameras. Works out of the box with Cheese and Skype, 640x480 max., usb+soundjack, on Ebay.com<
>([[http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6ME5L72ihsI78R6xzwIipUD2pBTjBcs5f3IdbfLHepB5rDQvxnw|See image.]]) || || BenQ Joybook S32B built-in 1.3MP || 8.04 || 064e:a111 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box Skype Version || || Chicony Electronics built-in 2MP Compal || 7.10 || 04f2:b018 || uvcvideo || || || Creative Instant P0620 || 8.04 || 041e:4034 || gspca || Works out of the box Skype Version || || Creative Labs Live! Cam Sync Webcam || 10.04 || 041e:406c || uvcvideo || Creative claims driver is in Linux Kernel. Works out of the box with Skype || || DELL Inspiron 1520 Integrated Webcam || 7.10 || 05a9:2640 || uvcvideo || || || Dell XPS m1330 VGA Webcam || 7.10 || 05a9:7670 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works out of the box, but Compiz must be turned off due to Intel X3100 video card || || Dynex 1.3MP Webcam (DX-WEB1C) || 9.10 || 19ff:0102 || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box (both video and sound) || || eMPIA Technology built-in Asus EeePC || 7.10 || eb1a:2761 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box Skype Version || || EZonics EZcam II || 7.10 || 0923:010f || gspca || || || Genius Eye 320 || 7.10, 8.04 || 0458:7051 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works out of the box. Frame rate drops with low light, cannot disable auto exposure. || || Genius iSlim 1320 || Kubuntu 9.04, 64 bit || 0458:7060 || uvcvideo || Skype Works out of the box, although not configurable in Skype. || || Hercules Dualpix HD720p Emotion || 11.04 || 06f8:3012 || uvcvideo || Skype works fine (video and audio) || || HP dv2000 built-in webcam || 7.10 || 0c45:62c0 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box Version (also works in Ekiga) || || HP dv6000t built-in webcam || 7.10 || 0c45:62c0 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype || || HYUNDAI H103A || 7.10 || 0ac8:301b || gspca || Version fixes a previous crash after 50 secs of use. (see Logitech Quickcam Notebook Deluxe) || || iNTEX IT-305WC (reported as Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 Webcam by lsusb) || 8.04.1 || 0ac8:303b || gspca || Works out of the box, Skype, great analog microphone. Very low cost (~U$12 in India) || || Lenovo Thinkpad R61 built-in Camera || 7.10, 8.04 || || uvcvideo || Skype Pretty much flawless. Sweet! || || Lexma - Panda 10C || 8.04 || 04f2.a13e || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box. Ekiga works too after defining input sources to USB2.0 UVC VGA. Not sure if audio works. || || Logitech/Acer intergrated orbicam (Acer 5670) || 7.10 || 046d:0892 || gspca || || || Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 || 10.04 || 046d:0821 || uvcvideo || Video and audio works out of the box (Skype, Cheese 2.28.1-0ubuntu1) || || Logitech HD Webcam C270 || 10.04,9.10 || 046d:0825 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype After first installation, I had to log out and log in again. || || Logitech HD Webcam C270 || 12.10 || 046d:0825 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype To get webcam microphone working I had to reboot, go to sound settings and select it in the input tab. Then start start a Skype test call and select the right input in the recording tab || || Logitech HD Webcam C310 || 10.10 64bit || 046d:081b || uvcvideo,usbvideo,gspca_main || Camera works out of the box with Skype, Cheese, camorama; microphone is detected, but I could not get it to work in any application || || Logitech HD Webcam C310 || 11.10 64bit || 046d:081b || uvcvideo || Camera works out of the box with Skype, microphone works perfectly in all applications || || Logitech Notebook Deluxe || 7.10 || 046d:08d8 || gspca || Version fixes a previous crash after 50 secs of use. || || Logitech Quickcam 3000 for Business || 8.04 || 046d:09a5 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Chat for Skype || 7.10 || 046d:092e || gspca || Works fine out of the box with Under I get 100% CPU utilisation. Still works & doesn't appear to crash || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate Deluxe || 7.10 || 046d:0992 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate MP || 9.04 || 046d:09a1 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX || 7.10 || 046d:08ad || gspca || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX || 7.10, 8.04 || 046d:08d7 || gspca || Version fixes a previous crash after 50 secs of use. No problems has been experienced in hardy heron with Skype out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Connect || 8.04.2 || 046d:08af || gspca || Works perfectly out of the box with Skype, details [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7524560|here]] || || Logitech Quickcam Deluxe for Notebooks || 7.10, 9.10, 10.04 || 046d:09c1 || uvcvideo,pwc,gspca || Video works with version Microphone works too, though you may need to choose the Input device in System Preferences Sound. Microphone may suffer from "clicking sound" issue (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/151890 ) || || Logitech Quickcam E 3500 || 8.04 || 046d:09a4 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, and microphone also || || Logitech Quickcam E 3500 Plus || 7.10 || 046d:09a4 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, and microphone also || || Logitech Quickcam Express '''II''' || 7.10 || 046d:0928 || gspca || Works out of the box. || || Logitech Quickcam Express Plus || 7.10, 8.04 || 046d:092f || gspca || Works out of the box. Testing in 8.04: Skype, also works with Cheese. || || Logitech Quickcam Fusion || 7.10 || 046d:08c1 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box - noted below as not working - but worked perfectly for me. || || Logitech Quickcam IM || 11.10 || 046d:08a6 || gspca || For kernel 3, I had to modify the above to "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" || || Logitech Quickcam IM/Connect || 7.04 || 046d:08d9 || gspca || Works fine out of the box, for Ekiga or just streaming from MPlayer. Eats 100% CPU in Skype. Skype Version fixes a previous crash after 50 secs of use. || || Logitech Quickcam IM/Connect || 7.10 || 046d:08d9 || gspca || for me, with an ATI video card, Skype ( video works with the Radeon driver, but not if using fglrx 7.12 || || Logitech Quickcam IM/Connect || 7.10 || 046d:08d9 || gspca || Works perfectly out of the box. No issues compared to what was reported for 7.04. || || Logitech Quickcam IM/Connect || 8.04 || 046d:08d9 || gspca || Works perfectly out of the box, but only at 320x240 in Skype, (384x288 in VLC) I can't get close to the advertised 640x480 with any of the linux drivers || || Logitech Quickcam IM/Connect || 9.10 || 046d:08d9 || gspca? || Worked perfectly out of the box for all but Skype. For Skype to work with video though, had to go to synaptic package manager and install "libv4l-0" then edit the start menu and/or any links to launch by changing the command from "skype" to "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" || || Logitech Quickcam Notebook || 7.10 || || || || || Logitech Quickcam Notebook Deluxe || 7.10, 9.10 || 046d:08a9 || gspca || Version fixes a previous crash after 50 secs of use. Skype on Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit needs [[http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-914952.html|to be hacked]] with lib32v4l-dev || || Logitech Quickcam PRO 3000 || 7.10 || 046d:08b0 || pwc || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 || 7.04 || || || || || Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 || 7.10 || 046d:08b2 || pwc || Works great, but does not scale in full-screen mode due to known bug non-accelerated X11 problem. || || Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 || 7.10, 8.04, 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 || 046d:0990 also 046d:0809 || uvcvideo || Works perfectly, microphone also || || Logitech Quickcam Pro for Notebooks (May 2008) || 8.04, 9.04 || 046d:0991 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box w/ v2.0.0.68, also (on my Latitude D420, it takes maybe 10 seconds to turn on). || || Logitech Quickcam S5500 || 9.04 || 046d:09a1 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box. Brightness is sometimes wrong (black image). Can be fixed by pointing it at a bright light source when starting it apparently. Cheese and VLC work too. || || Logitech Quickcam S 7500 || 9.04 || 046d:0912 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, great picture || || Logitech Quickcam Ultra Vision || 7.10 || 046d:08c9 || uvcvideo || || || Logitech Quickcam Vision Pro (Mac) || 8.04 || 046d:09a6 || uvcvideo || Works perfectly, microphone also || || Logitech Quickcam Zoom || 7.10 || 046d:08b4 || pwc || Cam works well in Skype, and microphone also || || Logitech Webcam C100 (I think) || 10.04 || 046d:0817 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, excellent video || || Logitech Webcam C120 || 9.10 || 046d:080f || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, excellent just set up sound input || || Logitech Webcam C120 || 9.10 || 046d:080f || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, practically plug and play; just set up a sound input. (May need to restart Skype) || || Logitech Webcam C160 || 10.10 || 046d:0824 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, had to configure audio profile for microphone to work || || Logitech Webcam C200 || 9.10, 10.04 || 046d:0802 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, excellent just set up sound input || || Logitech Webcam C250 || 10.04 || 046d:0804 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype, excellent just set up sound input || || Logitech Webcam C300 || 9.10 || 046d:0805 || uvcvideo || Works with Skype After first installation, I had to log out and log in again; before that, Skype found "no device available" for "webcam" || || Logitech Webcam C500 || 10.04, 10.10 || 046d:0807 || uvcvideo || Works out-of-the-box with Skype (both video and incorporated microphone). || || Logitech Webcam C905 || 10.04 || 046d:080a || uvcvideo || Works out-of-the-box with Skype (video and microphone). HD 720p, 2 MP Carl-Zeiss optics. || || Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 for Business || 10.04 || 046d:0809 || uvcvideo || Skype : Works fine out of the box || || Macally !IceCam2 || 8.04.1 || 04fc:05d8 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box with ekiga, for Skype to work had to setup "gstfakevideo" found @ http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gstfakevideo/gstfakevideo/ Skype, good video, audio.. Great price ($20 onsale.com) || || Microsoft !LifeCam Cinema || 11.10 32-bit || 045e:075d || uvcvideo || out-of-the-box with Skype (video and microphone) || || Microsoft !LifeCam HD-3000 || 10.04.4 x86_64 || 045e:0779 || uvcvideo || out-of-the-box with Skype (video and microphone) || || Microsoft !LifeCam Show || 8.10 x86_64 || 045e:0729 || uvcvideo || Skype video plus microphone || || Microsoft !LifeCam VX-700 || 10.10 || 045e:0770 || uvcvideo || out-of-the-box with Skype || || Microsoft !LifeCam VX-800 || 10.10 x86_64 || 045e:0766 || uvcvideo || out-of-the-box with Skype (video and microphone) || || Microsoft VX-5000 || 8.04.3, 8.10, 9.04 || 045e:0728 || uvcvideo || Great cam, microphone works too. ~$30. Works also "out-of-the-box" with || || Philips PCVC730K || 8.04 || 0471:0310 || pwc || Works nice out of the box || || Philips SPC1000NC || 8.04 || 0471:0329 || uvcvideo || Everything works perfectly. Great cam. || || Philips SPC1330NC || 8.10 || 0471:2037 || uvcvideo || Works fine with Skype (some config to do for sound, though). || || Philips SPC210NC || 8.10 || 0471:032d || gspca_zc3xx || Works fine. Plug and play. The image quality is not the best one, but reasonable as I got the webcam for only £8 GBP || || Philips SPC520NC || 8.04 || 0471:0334 || uvcvideo || Works nice out of the box || || Philips SPC530NC || 9.04 || 0471:2034 || uvcvideo || Works nice out of the box with Skype, great picture (microphone is not working yet) || || Philips SPC535NC || 9.04 || 0471:2034 || uvcvideo || Works flawlessly out of the box with Skype This model is the same as the SPC530NC, but comes with a headset || || Philips SPC900NC || 7.10 || 0471:0332 || pwc || Works nice out of the box with the latest driver 10.0.13, is the webcam used by one of the Skype developers || || Pluscom 8MP Webcam (UC480-2) || 10.04 || 1e4e:0100 || uvcvideo || Skype and Cheese: works out of the box. Microphone untested || || Prolink PCC5020 5MP (0ac8:332d Z-Star Microelectronics Corp) || 7.10 AMD64 || 0ac8:332d || uvcvideo || Works out of the box Skype Version although need getlibs for AMD64 microphone untested (microphone/video works in Ekiga) || || Ricoh r5u870 (laptop webcam) || 7.10, 9.04 || 05ca:183a || r5u870 || Grab the [[http://bitbucket.org/ahixon/r5u87x/ | userspace tools]]. This driver supports many VAIO (e.g. SZ and TZ models) as well as some HP laptop webcams || || Sony Corp (built-in Vaio P Series - P11Z) || 9.10 || 054c:038b || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box as does Cheese. || || Sweex WC056 || 9.04 || 0ac8:3420 || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box. Kopete works too. || || Syntek USB Camera (built-in) || 10.10 || 174f:1404 || gspca_main,uvcvideo (one driver could be from external USB Logitech 046d:092f connected before) || Works with Cheese at 1280x1024, 640x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144 and 160x120. Works also with aMSN. Plays nicely together with external USB laptop camera for switching cams in both applications. Works in Skype || || Tchibo Laptop Camera (Microdia) || 7.10 || 0c45:613b || sn9c102,gspca || Works well with the ATI driver. On another computer with the Radeon driver the video crashed after a few minutes. Connection remained OK. fglrx not tested yet. || || Terracam-X2 || 8.10 || 0ccd:0052 || uvcvideo || Skype, Ekiga : works out of the box. Microphone works fine. For 64bit Ubuntu: the 32bit package from Skype and libraries have to be --force-install. || || Thinkpad T61 built-in webcam || 7.10 || 17ef:1004 || uvcvideo || Low frame rate, but it works fine aside from that || || Trust eLight Full HD Webcam || 10.04.4 x86_64 || 145f:019f || uvcvideo || Skype, Cheese : works out of the box video and microphone || || Trust Spacecam 120 (120 SpaceC@m) || 9.04,9.10 || 0c45:600d || gspca,sn9c102 || Skype : works out of the box. lsusb reports: Microdia !TwinkleCam USB camera || || Trust Spotlight Webcam Pro || Kubuntu 9.10,64 bit || 0c45:62c0 || uvcvideo || Skype Works out of the box. Video artefacts (ATI RadeonHD3200, fglrx) in near + far end video mode: Suspend Compositing (Settings menu or via "Shift+Alt+F12") or use radeon/radeonhd driver || || Trust WB-6250X || 7.10, 8.04 || 145f:0142 || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box. Can use all video modes with luvcview || || Trust WB-8500X || 9,04 || 145f:015b || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box. || || [[TrustWebcamWB-1400T]] || 8.04 || 093a:2468 || gspca || Skype : works out of the box, for successive versions of Ubuntu, see below in the fiddle list. || || Trust Widescreen HD Webcam (16530) || 9.04 || 145f:0167 || uvcvideo || Skype : works out of the box. Works with Cheese, xawtv, but not with Camorama. May need to enable audio in system> preferences> sound> input. || || Vimicro Z-Star || 7.10, 8.04 || 0ac8:0321 || gspca || Works out of the box. Wengophone, Skype, Cheese and Ekiga works great || || Vimicro Z-Star chip, sold as !A4Tech PK-35N || 8.04 || 0ac8:303b || gspca || Works out of the box, tested with Skype and Cheese || || Vimicro Z-Star USB1.1 5.2MP Webcam (sold as I-SMART X-Laser Series) || 10.04 || 0ac8:3450 || uvcvideo || Works out of the box, tested with Skype and Cheese || || Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 Webcam || 8.04.1 || 0ac8:303b || gspca || Chip set used by a variety of inexpensive Chinese cameras. Works out of the box, Skype || == List of "fiddle to get working" cameras == ||'''Make and Model''' || '''Ubuntu Version''' || '''ID''' || '''Driver''' || How to make it work || || !A4Tech PK-333E || 9.04 || 09da:8090 || uvcvideo || Plug and play does not work. System does not recognize webcam automatically, but after manual loading driver (modprobe uvcvideo) it works well. Test with Skype 2.1.047. || || Bison Cam 1.3Mpixel ([[http://mediakey.dk/~cc/tag/m560x-chip/|ALi m5602 chip]]) || 10.04 || 0402:5602 || gspca_main || Cheese Works out the box! Skype fine after running Skype like this from the command prompt: "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" without the double quotes. If you don't have that library already installed, install it with "apt-get install libv4l-0" first. Other Webcams with this chip should work in a similar way! || || Cisco Unified Video Advantage (CUVA) || 9.10 || 046d:08c7 || uvcvideo || `lsusb` reports "Logitech, Inc. !QuickCam OEM Cisco VT Camera II"<
>`env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype` || || Creative Labs Live! IM Webcam (VF0350) || 9.10 || 041e:4067 || gspca_main, gspca_ov519 || This camera was added to Karmic kernel 2.6.31-18-generic via gspca support. Skype version Need to set the environment variable before running; LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype Basically, you need to set that environment variable before running any application that uses this webcam. || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook || 8.04 || 041e:4068 || ov51x_jpeg || Was able to get working using ov51x-jpeg driver at: http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Ov51xJpegHackedSource and gstfakevideo: http://code.google.com/p/gstfakevideo/ with gstfakevideo v4lsrc device=/dev/video1 ! ffmpegcolorspace || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook || 9.10 || 041e:4068 || gspca_main || Tested with Skype Beta on Karmic. Had to invoke from terminal with following command (note that package libv4l1 must be installed): LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook || 9.10 64bit || 041e:4068 || gspca || Works right away in Cheese. To get Skype video, run "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" at the command line (NOTE the i386!!!) || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook || 9.10 Alpha4 || 041e:4068 || gspca_zc3xx,gspca_ov519 || Tested with Skype on Karmic. Good quality video. Had to edit launcher to following command (note that package libv4l-0:i386 must be installed): env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook Pro [0250] || 7.10 || 041e:4051 || gspca || With Skype and latest ATI fglrx driver. Camera mostly works, but non-accelerated X11 output currently doesn't scale video output (known Skype issue). Colors are all messed up (adding "options gspca force_rgb=1" fixed the color problem for Camorama, but not Skype). || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook Pro [0250] || 9.10, 10.04 || 041e:4051 || gspca_main || Tested with Skype Beta. Had to invoke from terminal with following command (note that package libv4l-0:i386 must be installed): LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook Pro [0400] || 7.10 || 041e:40'''6'''1 || ov51x_jpeg || With Skype and ATI fglrx driver. You should setup ov51x-jpeg-1.5.7 and "sudo modprobe ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1" or "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options" add there "options ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1". ov51x-jpeg-1.5.7 can be found here: http://www.rastageeks.org/downloads/ov51x-jpeg/ov51x-jpeg-1.5.7.tar.gz || || Creative Live! Cam Notebook Pro [0400] || 8.10, 11.10 || 041e:4061 || gspca_main,ov51x_jpeg || I installed the webcam driver using [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam|Easycam2]]. Webcam was then recognized and working, but still not usable in Skype. Then typed "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options" in a terminal and added the line "options ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1". Rebooted and video-chat in Skype is working just fine (though device is listed as "OV519 USB Camera" in Skype now). On 11.10 64-Bit (32-Bit) install libv4l-0:i386 and start Skype with LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Creative Live! Cam Optia || 7.10 || 041e:4057 || uvcvideo || Works fine after installing the [[http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/|uvc]] driver || || Creative Live! Cam Video IM || 9.10 || 041e:4053 || gspca_zc3xx || Skype Works fine after editing Skype launcher to run like this: "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" without the double quotes. If you don't have that library already installed, install it with "apt-get install libv4l-0:i386" first. || || Creative Live! Vista Cam IM || 7.10, 11.10 || 041e:4052 || ov51x_jpeg, 11.10:gspca_main || Works fine with Skype on Hardy (64 bit) after setting up the ov51x-jpeg driver (instructions [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=266529&page=2|here]]) and "sudo modprobe ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1 led=2" and "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options" add there "options ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1 led=2". The ov51x-jpeg drivers can be found here: http://www.rastageeks.org/. On 11.10 64-Bit with Skype (32-Bit) install libv4l-0:i386 and start Skype with LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Creative Webcam Instant || 9.04 || 041e:4034 || gspca || Skype Works fine after editing Skype launcher to run like this: "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" without the double quotes. If you don't have that library already installed, install it with "apt-get install libv4l-0:i386" first. The same trick also works for Camorama, and mplayer. Cheese works out the box! || || Creative Webcam PD1110 || 9.10 || 041e:401c || gspca_main || Skype Works fine after editing Skype launcher to run like this: "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" without the double quotes. If you don't have that library already installed, install it with "apt-get install libv4l-0:i386" first. || || Dell Vostro 1400 built-in webcam || 7.10 || 05a9:2640 || uvcvideo || Works fine after installing the [[http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/|uvc]] driver || || Genius Look 312P || 10.04 || 0ac8:301b || gspca || Skype Works with "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" || || Hercules Webcam Classic || 9.10 || 05a9:4519 || gspca_ov519 || Tested with Skype Beta. Install package libv4l-0:i386 and edit Skype launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Labtec Notebook Webcam || 10.04 || 046d:08aa || gspca_main || Skype works with "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so skype". Cheese and guvcview works out of the box. || || Labtec webcam 2200 || 11.04 || 093a:2626 || gspca_main || Skype Beta works with "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so skype". Cheese NOT tested. || || Leadership webcam 300 || 7.04 || 093a:2460 || gspca || Using Skype Had to upgrade gspca driver to latest version to work. Also added options to /etc/modprobe.d/options to improve color. Options were: gamma=3, !OffRed=32, !OffBlue=0, !OffGreen=32. || || Logitech !QuickCam Chat || 12.04 32-bit || 046d:092c || gspca_main || Skype works with "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype". || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate || 10.10 || 046d:08f5 || gspca_main || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype. Requires an external microphone as audio and video do not work simultanouesly || || Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX || 10.04 || 046d:08ad || gspca_main || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Logitech Quickcam E2500 || 10.04 || 046d:089d || gspca || Skype <
> * Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Logitech Quickcam E2500 || 8.04, 9.10, 10.10 || 046d:089d || gspca || Works on Skype after compiling [[http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Download/gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz|gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz]] with [[http://forums.quickcamteam.net/attachment.php?aid=86|patch]] (originally from [[http://forums.quickcamteam.net/showthread.php?tid=310&pid=1817#pid1817|this thread]]). Works like this in xawtv, but performance in Skype can be unstable (100% CPU usage) - if you use gstfakevideo it seems to get rid of the problem. Also setting the autoexpo=0 option when loading the driver can help if the image is really dark. [[http://www.actionshrimp.com/2008/08/logitech-quickcam-e2500-on-ubuntu-skype/|Detailed guide here]]. Karmic, Maverick: works out of the box in Skype. || || Logitech Quickcam Express || 7.10 || 046d:0870 || quickcam || Works with [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3856516#post3856516/|gstfakevideo]], but unstable || || Logitech Quickcam Express || squeeze || 046d:0870 || gspca_stv06xx || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Logitech Quickcam for Notebooks || 8.04 || 046d:08ae || gspca || Recognized in Skype, but only seeing shadows || || Logitech Quickcam Messenger || 7.10 || 046d:08da || gspca || Works but without internal microphone. Switch to an external microphone. This is the same with Ekiga. (this camera is also known as Logitech Quickcam Messenger 2) || || Logitech Quickcam Messenger || 8.04 - 9.10 || 046d:08f6, 046d:08f0 || quickcam, gspca_stv06xx || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 || 10.04 || 046d:08c5, 046d:08ce || uvcvideo || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Logitech Quickcam Pro for Notebooks (2007) || 7.10 || 046d:0991 || uvcvideo || Works fine after installing the [[http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/|uvc]] driver (171); microphone works great also. Tested with Skype Also work with Ekiga and aMSN || || Logitech Quickcam Web (USB) || 8.04 || 046d:0850 || quickcam || using Skype, initially fuzzy greenish test image, but is recognized; succesfully working with gstfakevideo (gstreamer hijacker); for instructions see [[http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=102838|this Skype forum thread]] || || Logitech Webcam C200 || 9.10, 9.04 || 046d:0802 || uvcvideo || When running Cairo Dock with OpenGL need to start Skype at the command line with "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 && skype" and under the Startup Applications 'bash -c "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 && skype"' (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1318506). The "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" fiddle didn't work despite libv4l-0 being installed. When not running Cairo Dock or running Cairo Dock without OpenGL, the C200 with Skype works out of the box. || || Logitech Webcam C210 || 11.04 || 046d:0819 || uvcvideo || On Skype make a test call, open pavucontrol, tab Recording, show applications, select USB 0819 as input source for Skype, it will be permanently stored in your ~/.pulse. The alternative is to remove pulseaudio, and select the microphone (USB audio) in Skype options. Did not manage to do the selection via kde settings. Video works out of the box. Sometimes I get error -100 from Skype and have to unplug/replug. || || Microdia/ThinkPad Z61t || 7.10 - 8.04 || 0c45:627b || --- || Driver can be found here: http://groups.google.com/group/microdia/ || || Microsoft !Lifecam VX-1000 || 9.04 || 045e:00f7 || gspca_main || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Microsoft !Lifecam VX-3000 || 7.10 || 045e:00f5 || gspca || The camera works, but the picture has abnormal colours and Skype eats 100% CPU during the video call. Skype also may hang during or after the call. The built-in microphone doesn't work, although it is seen by ALSA. || || Microsoft nx-6000 || 8.10 || 045e:00f8 || uvcvideo || Camera originally worked in webcam, but not in Skype. Was able to get it working in Skype ( using gstfakevideo 'gstfakevideo v4l2src device=/dev/webcam' where webcam is the new device I created (so I don't have to do sudo mv /dev/video0 /dev/video1 every time the camera is plugged in). Only oddity is preview -- works if you stop your video and then restart. || || MSI Starcam 370i or Clip || 7.10 - 8.04 || 0c45:60c0 or 0c45:60fc || msicam(modified gspca) || You need to download driver from http://pamplast.com/gspca/. Blacklist sn9c102,gspca modules so there is no conflict. || || Namtai Eye Toy USB Camera (PS2) || 12.04 11.10 64bit || 054c:0155 || gspca_main || Camera works in any application, for run it with Skype you have to launch it with: "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" Blue LED is always lit, the red led is lit when working. Microphone works too (maybe you need restart) || || PCLine Webcam 300k || 7.10 || 093a:2600 || gspca || With Skype, had to build latest driver from [[http://mxhaard.free.fr/]]. Works, but poor picture quality. (Cheap camera; no microphone.) || || Philips DMVC 1300K || 9.10 || 0471:0322 || gspca || With Skype Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Philips SPC220NC || 7.10 || 093a:2463 || gspca v. 20071224 || Needed compiling latest gspca driver. Works with Skype and also Ekiga, Cheese. VLC not tried || || Philips SPC315NC || 7.10 || 0471:032e || gspca || With Skype Last month it recognized the camera, but test screen was black - this month it works. However it is slow to start. || || Phillips PC Camera SIC4750/27 || 9.10 || 04fc:0561 || gspca || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Sanyo au W33SA || 7.10 || 0474:0722 || uvcvideo || Works with [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3856516#post3856516/|gstfakevideo]] (unstable) and uvcvideo (rev 148) - use the following gstfakevideo syntax: '''{{{$ sudo mv /dev/video0 /dev/video1}}}''' '''{{{$ gstfakevideo v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! jpegdec ! ffmpegcolorspace}}}''' || || Sonix Integrated Webcam (Microdia) || 10.04 || 0c45:63e0 || uvcvideo || Detected out of the box, but works badly. Image chopped, lags of 15+ seconds. Not just with Skype, but also Cheese. || || SONIX USB PCcam168 (Microdia) || 7.10 || 045e:613c || gspca || Needed to compile latest gspca driver and blacklist sn9c120 module. || || Sony Eyetoy || 8.04 || 054c:015'''5''' || ov51x_jpeg || Skype You should setup [[http://www.rastageeks.org/|ov51x-jpeg]] (version here: 1.5.8) and "sudo modprobe ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1" or edit /etc/modprobe.d/options and add there "options ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1". Loading ov51x-jpeg without forceblock-option results in a black video stream for Skype, while it works fine using Cheese. || || Trust WB-3320X USB 2.0 Webcam || 9.10 || 093a:2621 || gspca_main || Skype version works with config.xml modified for video size and frame rate (see [[https://developer.skype.com/SkypeGarage/SkypeForWindowsExperimental/HighQualityVideoCalls#head-6acfc5ccf9fa8d0d2cdeb63f9f1d29352556ca9d|SkypeGarage]]), then install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype Only green double preview. Works if you stop your video and then restart. || || [[TrustWebcamWB-1400T]] || 10.04,10.10,12.04 || 093a:2468 || gspca / CIF Single Chip || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype. No microphone. || || [[TrustWebcamWB-1400T/14382-04]] || 9.10 || 093a:2460 || CIF Single Chip || Works with Cheese and Skype, but can't get good colour rendering. v4l2 (in gstreamer-properties), but not V4l: lsusb 'Pixart Imaging Q-Tec Webcam 100: vid 093APid 2460 || || [[TrustWebcamWB-1400T]] || 7.10 || 093a:2468 || gspca v. 20071224 || Needed compiling latest gspca driver. Works with Skype and also Ekiga, Cheese and VLC (Now Work out of the box with 8.04, November 2008) || || [[TrustWebcamWB-1400T]] || 9.04 || 093a:2468 || CIF Single Chip || First only green bars. After choosing v4l2 (in gstreamer-properties) and loading v4l-library before starting Skype, it works || || Unbranded/SiGma Micro Micro USB Web Camera || 9.10 || 1c4f:3000 || uvcvideo || Skype Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Vimicro/ZC0305 || 7.10 || 0ac8:305b || gspca v. 20071224 || (AMD64) Works with Skype || || WEBCAMTEC-TC4 Techsolo Webcam TCA-4810 || 9.10 || 0ac8:303b || gspca_main || Works with Skype if you install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || || Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. USB 2.0 Webcam || 9.04 || 0ac8:0321 || gspca_main || This camera is inbuilt in laptops Asus A8M Skype version the old Medibuntu skype packages, (see this forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1...kype&page=6 ), install the package libv4l-0:i386 and change the launcher to: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype || == List of non-working cameras == ||'''Make and Model''' || '''Ubuntu Version''' || '''ID''' || '''Driver''' || Notes || || Creative !VideoBlaster !WebCam Go Plus [W9967CF] || 8.04_a2 || 041e:4003 || ov511,w9968cf || Camera is recognised, but "Test Camera" shows Black screen || || Creative Vista || 7.10 || 041e:405f || ov51x_jpeg || Camera generally works fine in programs such as Ekiga with the patched driver as explained here [[http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=100897&st=40&p=465545&#entry465545]]. The patch also works with Skype, but limitations arise mainly from graphics card and drivers. Fglrx for ati and others are known to have problems, specially with video overlay. On some systems, it has been said one can make it work with Skype by using gstfakevideo. The camera was successfully used with Skype via gstfakevideo on a laptop with Intel 945 graphics card under Ubuntu 7.10 using the default driver. It is important though, to test the camera in an actual call, testing the camera on the options menu may show a black screen because of graphics driver problems, not webcam related. || || Intel Pocket PC Camera CS630 || 8.04 || 8086:0630 || gspca || Camera is recognized, but "Test Camera" crashes Skype. If Automounting is disable via gconf-editor, then webcam works. Skype || || Logitech Quickam Express || 7.10 || 046d:0840 || usbvideo || Camera is recognized and working with Camorama, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. || || Logitech Quickam Web (USB) || 7.10 || 046d:0850 || quickcam || Camera is recognized and working with Camorama, "Test Camera" button only shows fuzzy video (maybe expects YUV encoded video?). Did not succeed in getting [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3856516#post3856516/|gstfakevideo]] working, yet. || || Logitech Quickcam Express Pro || 10.10 || 046d:092f || gspca_main,uvcvideo (one driver could be from built-in Syntek 174f:1404) || Works with Cheese at 320x240, but not at 352x288, 176x144 and 160x120 resulting in green and cyan stripes. Works also with aMSN. Plays nicely together with built-in laptop camera for switching cams in both applications. Is offered in Skype as available camera, but does not work. Interferes with switching with built-in laptop camera until unplugged or restart. It used to work in older version of Ubuntu/Skype. || || Logitech Quickcam for Notebooks || 7.10 || 046d:08ae || gspca || Works in Ekiga, but is not recognized in Skype || || Logitech Quickcam Fusion || 7.10 || 046d:08ca || uvcvideo || Camera is recognized, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. || || Logitech Quickcam Notebook Pro || 7.10 || 046d:08b1 || pwc || Camera is recognized, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. || || Logitech !QuickCam PTZ || 7.10 || 046d:08b5 || PWC || Camera is recognized, but "Test Camera" shows screen with vertical colored bars dancing all over the place. Nothing recognizable. Camera works fine in Ekiga and Camorama || || Logitech !QuickCam Webcam for Notebooks || 8.04, 9.04 || || uvcvideo || Camera is not recognized. Neither Skype nor Ubuntu. Same for Cheese or Camorama. || || Logitech !QuickCam Webcam for Notebooks || 9.10 || 046d:08dd || ubvideo, quickcam || Cheese picks up the camera and displays fine; webcam audio/video can be set in Ubuntu preferences as inputs, Skype detects camera, but cannot test/display. || || Mediaforte MV300 (AVermedia/Omnivision) || 7.10 || 05a9:a511 || ov511(+) || Black screen in Skype, even though it works with Cheese 2.30.1. Also sold as "Creative !WebCam Pro" model PD1030. || || Microsoft !LifeCam NX-6000 || 7.10 || 045e:00f8 || uvcvideo || camera uses unsupported palette (MJPEG) only. The uvc driver does recognize the device as can be tested with luvcview. || || Microsoft !LiveCam VX-3000 || 9.04 || 045e:00f5 || --- || Camera is not recognized. Neither Skype (Test only shows black screen) nor Ubuntu. Same for Cheese or Camorama. No Device found in gstreamer-properties. || || Mustek gSmart Mini || 9.04 || 055f:c220 || gspca || Camera not recognized out of box. When trying to patch and compile the source, it seems to work sometimes for a few minutes, after some persistence of plugging and unplugging the webcam from the usb connector. Ubuntu hangs on booting when the webcam were connected. || || Philips PCVC740K !ToUcam Pro || 6.06 || 0471:0311 || pwc || Camera is recognized, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. Camera ''does'' work in mplayer. Syslog contains lots of pwc ioctl(VIDIOC_DQBUF) / pwc ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF) index=0 || || Philips SPC1000NC || 8.04 || 0471:0332 || uvcvideo || Microphone stops working when video is activated. Skype || || Philips SPC210NC || 7.10 || 0471:032d || gspca || Camera is recognized, but "Test" button shows black screen. || || Philips SPC300NC || 7.10 || 0471:0326 || gspca || (AMD64) Camera is not recognized in Skype || || Philips SPC315NC || 10.04 || 0471:032e || gspca || (Intel 64) Camera is recognized in Skype, but shows a black screen (Test button doesn't do anything). || || Sony !EyeToy || 7.10 || 054c:0154 || ov51x_jpeg || Camera is recognized and working with, e.g., VLC, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. || || Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0301 !WebCam || 7.10 || 0ac8:301b || gspca || Camera is recognized and working with Camorama, but "Test Camera" button only shows black screen. || == Preloading v4lcompat == Some webcams require the v4lcompat driver to be preloaded. It does not ship out of the box with new versions of ubuntu. You will have to install the driver package with aptitude and then modify the Skype launcher to preload the driver. Here's how: sudo bash apt-get install libv4l-0:i386 Now edit the skype launcher to preload the driver. If you are using xfce: Right-click on apps menu -> Properties -> Edit menu -> Internet -> Right click on Skype -> Properties. The command should be: env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype == Additional notes about video on Skype == If: 1. You can see video in Cheese or other applications; but 2. You only see a white rectangle in Skype when you activate video;and 3. Testing the video under the Skype Preferences fails; ''but'' 4. the person you are calling ''can'' see video of you from your webcam, then the problem may be Cairo-Dock. If you use Cairo-dock, you are probably using the OpenGL version. Under Preferences -> Startup Applications, Edit your Cairo-Dock to start up with the command cairo-dock -c [rather than "cairo-dock -o" for Open GL]. Restart the X server (if you do not know what this means, then reboot). If the image is too dark in Skype, but not in applications such as Cheese or aMSN, do ''sudo apt-get install luvcview'' and ''sudo luvcview''. Use the control at bottom left to increase brightness and the right bottom button in the middle of the bottom of the screen to exit the application. Many variables can cause video in Skype to fail, and those variables keep changing. As of this writing (July 2010), Skype Beta is version PulseAudio is working better with it. More people are using Compiz and even Cairo-dock, all of which is fine, but in this case the weak link in the chain is Cairo-dock using OpenGL, a.k.a. GLX-dock. Credit for this fix goes to !MedievalChips, who posted this YouTube video: ''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZJjsBFIWIc|Video issues with Skype on UBUNTU 10.04 Beta FIXED]]'' (I have reposted here in text format so that search engines can find this more easily.) ---- You may need to modify the "Sound in" device in the "Sound devices" options menu, to point to USB device (as appropriate) instead of Default. Likewise, ensure that video input is correctly defined. Besides checking under options > video devices and click test on the preview window in Skype 2.0, you can also try to make a test call to ''videoecho123''. Sometimes, the additional users created by Ubuntu are not part of the ''video'' group, and therefore can't access the webcam. Try unplugging all other USB devices except the camera. In my case, on Gutsy Gibbon, with Logitech Wireless Mouse plugged in, Logitech !QuickCam for Notebooks Deluxe worked for several seconds in gqcam, mplayer, and Ekiga, then the stream stopped and the application crashed. The webcam works well in those applications with the mouse unplugged. Try disabling compiz if you don't see any video. You can also open a Terminal and type '''{{{LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype}}}''' to start Skype. Wrong virtual sizing setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf may cause Skype to crash when video is started. '''BAD ENTRY''' {{{ Section "Screen" SubSection "Display" Virtual 2304 800 EndSubSection EndSection }}} '''CORRECTED ENTRY''' {{{ Section "Screen" SubSection "Display" Virtual 1280 800 EndSubSection EndSection }}} == Graphics cards, XV, Skype and gstfakevideo == There are a couple of issues that create problems getting webcams working with Skype. The gstfakevideo driver will probably get things working, provided you have a suitable '''graphics card driver''' set up in xorg.conf There is a highly significant thing called xv this is easily overlooked in the rush to get video working. You need to install the gstreamer packages and try this out. gstreamer-properties Go to the video tab and test your camera with the default settings. If it doesn't work with the plugin "autodetect" in "Default output", change it to "X Window System (No Xv)", then try again. If that works and "X Window System (X11/XShm/Xv)" doesn't work, then you are using an incompatible graphics driver. With my Intel 915 card it was using the Intel driver, which doesn't support Xv; changing it to the 810 driver allowed both modes to work. The Skype release notes state that only having a single XV port will cause video to be seen one way only (no preview,with no Xv support you get nothing). With gstfakevideo you may get the preview as well with a single XV port. gstfakevideo v4lsrc device=/dev/video0 ! videoscale ! ffmpegcolorspace should launch Skype with /dev/video0 as the source and your camera output in a suitable format. This has been tested with an old Logitech !QuickCam Messenger, listed above as not working The gstreamer-properties test should show if your webcam works, more importantly it will show if your video driver has XV support. In some cases this may mean installing a different graphics card. == To-do == If this page gets enough useful information, we might want the following pages to link to it, because people wanting that information might look there first: * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam * HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras ---- CategoryHardware CategoryLoco