<> = Snappy = Welcome to the Snappy namespace on the wiki. Here we organise the team's activities and plan activities together. If you want to get involved: great! We're always looking for help! == Documentation == If you are new to snappy, you might want to have a look at the following docs: * [[https://developer.ubuntu.com/snappy/|General introduction to Snappy]] * [[https://developer.ubuntu.com/snappy/start/|Get started with Snappy]] * [[https://developer.ubuntu.com/snappy/guides/|Guides to Snappy]] * [[SnappyHackerUsefulLinkCollection|Snappy Hacker Useful Link Collection]] Can't find your answer in the documentation? Ask your question on [[http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/ubuntu-core|Ask Ubuntu]]. == Activities == Prior to releases we have our [[/OpenHouses|Snappy Open House]] event. They are a great way to get involved. == Stay in touch == Find us on: * [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=snappy|#snappy on irc.freenode.net]] * [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/snapcraft|snapcraft mailing list]] * [[https://lists.snapcraft.io/mailman/listinfo/devices|devices mailing list]] ---- CategorySnappy