<> ||<>|| = How to Join = Membership is open to everyone in the state who has an interest in Ubuntu, Free Open Source Software and Linux. You do not have to become an official member to join in the teams activities, but we encourage everyone to join. To officially join the South Carolina LoCo Team, do the following: 1. [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Read the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (CoC)]]. Your signature is not mandatory at this time however in the future it may well be. 1. Visit the team's [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-southcarolina|Launchpad page]] and click on the "Join This Team" button. ''Note that you'll need a launchpad account to join the team.'' 1. Add your name to the [[#MembersList|members list]] below. = How to Participate = * Register on Launchpad and [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-southcarolina|join the team]]! * Join us at the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=622205|Ubuntu forums]] and introduce yourself. * Sign up for the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-sc|mailing list]] * Show up for our Monthly [[SouthCarolinaTeam/Meetings|meetings]] on IRC. * Donate your time and/or expertise to the team in the Forums, and our Projects. * Contribute your ideas to the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=311|Forum]]. * Have Fun! == Ubuntu Code of Conduct == The following is a quote from the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct page]]: Ubuntu is an African concept of 'humanity towards others'. It is 'the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity'. The same ideas are central to the way the Ubuntu community collaborates. Members of the Ubuntu community need to work together effectively, and this code of conduct lays down the "ground rules" for our cooperation. We chose the name Ubuntu for our distribution because we think it captures perfectly the spirit of the sharing and cooperation that is at the heart of the open source movement. In the Free Software world, we collaborate freely on a volunteer basis to build software for everyone's benefit. We improve on the work of others, which we have been given freely, and then share our improvements on the same basis. That collaboration depends on good relationships between developers. To this end, we've agreed on the following code of conduct to help define the ways that we think collaboration and cooperation should work. === How to Sign === Although signing the Code of Conduct is not mandatory, you are encouraged to do so. If you would like to sign the CoC, follow the instructions on the [[https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/|the Launchpad Code of Conduct page]]. If you are new to OpenPGP, also [[GnuPrivacyGuardHowto|see this page for detailed help]]. <> = Members List = Please feel free to add yourself to the members listing below. Please use your personal wiki page to provide contact information and any additional information you would like others to know about you. Don't forget to include your city or town as this helps us keep track of where our members are located. Maybe you'll even find a new Ubuntu-loving neighbor! === How to Add Yourself === 1. Copy the following line: `|| Your Name || Your Position (if any) || County || IRC Nick || Signed CoC ||` 1. Fill out your information: Name, Your position in the team, County you live in, The nick name you use on IRC, and whether or not you've signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (a "Yes" or "No"). 1. Then [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthCarolinaTeam/Members/MembersList?action=edit|click here to edit the list]] and place your entry in a new row in the appropriate position. Please keep this list in alphabetical order. 1. If you are still unsure of how to add yourself, please send your information to [[Recluse2|Brian]] and he will gladly add you to the list. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthCarolinaTeam/Members/MembersList?action=edit|Edit this list]] <> ---- CategorySouthCarolinaTeam