<> ||<>|| * Sign up for a notification of this event at http://sdloco.profarius.com/content/irc-meeting-num003. = Agenda = == Mailing List == * Check Queue == Wiki == === FAQ / KB === * Modifications ; Assigned to Phillip A. * Rewrite current FAQ / KB items to be more intelligible * Where to obtain support * #ubuntu-us-sd (irc from site), #ubuntu, forums, etc. * " [ Create useful links on FAQ page. ] " * KB for support - one-on-one scheduling time. == Launchpad == * Set Locations in profile == Goals == * Request response on Bug 328407 * Check all [[ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-southdakota/+spec/2009-roadmaps | Roadmaps ]] * Vote for approval of this system.