Launchpad Upstream Improvements


Launchpad can be a much better tool for connecting upstreams to Ubuntu developers. This spec will outline one feature that we think will be a good first start.


Upstreams frequently complain that it is difficult for them to find Ubuntu patches. is a diff between Ubuntu and Debian, so it's not really useful to some upstreams.

We want an upstream patch report that shows patches in packages and their age, so we can act on them. Bryce has a working prototype that he made for himself that would be a good first start:

Use Cases


This specification covers the patch report specifically, as a subset of Launchpad's upstream vision.


A specification should be built with the following considerations:

Outstanding Issues

The Launchpad Bugs team work for this is being tracked at the Patch Tracking page at the Launchpad dev wiki.

BoF agenda and discussion

Notes from the UDS Session follow:

Launchpad focus is going to be focusing on bridging the gap between Ubuntu and upstreams.

When Jorge talks to upstreams, #1 complaint is not being able to find Ubuntu patches.

Wants list of patches available to be on the project front page on Launchpad.

Ubuntu has 1500+ bugs with patches, very big concern to make this information visible.

Tag on Launchpad for tracking & exposing upstream:

Similar thing for - report showing bugs with patches attached, sortable by patch age:

Bug for needing API for subbed pkgs: #281443

As an upstream, when you get an Ubuntu bug report, the first question you ask is "What patches is Ubuntu carrying?" (also, "And are they insane?"). Then, once you see the patch, you also need to have quality information about the context of the patch.

<jono> Launchpad is a development forge, not a front page for a project.

A patch attached to a bug is a gift to a project, then it's a top-level project. The patch needs to be visible on upstream project and package.

Need to see:

Turning patches into merge proposals the ideal. However, an interim step good.

ACTION: look into bugs with patches stuff into the cycle.

If LP does this, how can we measure the success:

Patches on Launchpad bugs are there for different reasons:

Phases of implementation:

  1. Just have an easy list of patches on Launchpad
  2. Make patches that _are_ on bugs visible on the bug
  3. Build triaging (queue) process for patches

Some relevant bugs:

Potential upstream bugs


Specs/LaunchpadUpstreamImprovements (last edited 2009-12-08 20:53:24 by 24-179-42-225)