
This spec explores how to integrate the oFono middleware in the existing telephony stacks, how the telephony stack can be improved in general and how we can unify the software, application development and user experience of both telephony and VoIP. In particular this spec intends to address the steps we can take in Maverick to further this goal.

This spec proposes integrating oFono with telepathy by integrating the telepathy-ring package shipped by Meego:

This spec proposes adding a PoC dialer UI that automatically selects sip vs. oFono calls or lets user choose which stack to use for the call.

This spec proposes to integrate the dialer application with the address book infrastructure of evolution-data-server and akonadi based distribution profiles.


Getting a fully integrated telephony stack in place serves a few purposes. The most significant ones are:


A USB modem can be acquired that has free drivers in the mainline kernel and is supported by oFono (or alternatively can be enabled in oFono with reasonable effort) (Action: Pete Goodall)


We pair oFono with telepathy. A glue for pairing oFono and telepathy has been made available by the meego project and is called telepathy-ring, whose git branch is available at the URL below:

We add a dialer application that allows to showcase and test the telephony and hardware stack in telepathy enabled distribution profiles

Reaching out to empathy developers to develop this dialer application in the empathy framework is considered important and recommended as it was mentioned during UDS that they plan on working on such dialer UI anyway.

On top we integrate the telephony dialer in common addressbook services:

Integration is targeted to happen by using a protocol scheme.


Fulfill Assumptions:

Core Stack work:

UI stack work:

Release Note

Linaro Core comes with an extended telephony stack built on telepathy; the middleware stack is included in the headless and netbook distribution profiles; a showcase dialer UI is available in the the netbook distribution profile.

UI Changes

For netbook and phone profiles, integrate latest empathy and ensure that there is a separate dialer application suitable for touchphones.

Test/Demo Plan

Unresolved issues

UDS Maverick Discussion

Problem Space

Proposed Goals


Discussion Notes

Action Items

Telepathy contacts: sjoerd rob mcquen


Specs/M/ARMTelephonyStack (last edited 2010-06-07 14:34:31 by 178)