
The goal is to enable the easy creation of test images containing UI/Test heads and benchmarks for use by the hardware vendors and UI developers.

This entails deciding which UI/Test heads and benchmarks will be made available, ensuring they are in the Maverick archive and providing a hassle-free way of creating test images containing any combination of versions of UI and HW enablement components.

We also want to provide the ability to automatically execute benchmarks and record the results.


The quality of the final user experience depends on the quality of HW enablement components (provided by hardware/driver vendors), User Interface components (provided by UI and toolkit developers) and of course the integration of the two parts.

Both HW vendors and UI developers need a hassle-free way to test and benchmark their components independently and also the integration with the other parts.

By providing an easy way to build images containing benchmarks and any combination of stable and latest releases of components from both parties, we provide a convenient way to track progress, identify and solve issues as early as possible and provide a showcase of the platform.

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UI/Test heads



UI/Test heads

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Run the the top (UI) layer of various mobile platforms on ubuntu-on-arm.


* Showcase the ubuntu-on-arm platform * Test the ubuntu-on-arm platform (what's (not) working, what's missing) * Make it easy for vendors to try out and benchmark the platform.



Specs/M/ARMUIandTestHeads (last edited 2010-05-30 03:43:14 by 65)