<> ##title Speech Control - Development ##master-page:HomepageTemplate ||{{../attachment:gplv3-127x51.png}}<>|| = Development = This page is where the main information regarding SpeechControl's development can be found. == Blueprints == For all of the blueprints, just visit [[SpeechControl/Blueprints#Blueprints|this page]]. == Projects == SpeechControl's Development team sets out to bring the finest and latest equipment in voice and speech utilities for the Ubuntu distributions. Currently, SpeechControl's aimed at bringing the Java application [[http://mary.dfki.de|openMary TTS]] to Ubuntu. Its ability to emulate emotional speech using diphone voices introduces a new playing field of speech synthesis. We're also aiming at bringing voice recognition (compared to speech recognition) to Ubuntu. Using the [[http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net|CMU Sphinx]] library as portrayed in this [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEUeJb6Pwt4&feature=player_embedded|video]], having IRC chat a bit more accessible for those who don't have perfect eyesight, as done in [[https://www.launchpad.net/cmusphinx-train|this bot]]'s project description. With such projects integrated in Ubuntu, developers would be able to profess more accessible and dynamic application interfaces for end-users. ||Project||||Status|| ||[[https://launchpad.net/libopenmary-c++|libopenmary]]|| in-progress (beta available) || ||[[https://launchpad.net/python-openmary|python-openmary]]|| in-progress || ||[[https://launchpad.net/speechcontrol-daemon|speechcontrol-daemon]]|| drafting || ||[[https://launchpad.net/infernobot|infernobot]]|| in-progress || ||[[https://launchpad.net/cmusphinx-train|cmusphinx-train]]|| starting || ---- CategoryAccessibility