= Process for SRUing GRUB = There is no SRU "exception" for GRUB. Criteria for acceptance remains the same as normal under our usual policies. However, GRUB requires special handling to actually build and release it, due to our EFI signing pipeline as follows. This isn't yet fully documented, but this should do as a stopgap to avoid a bottleneck on release. Scope: the grub2, grub2-unsigned and grub2-signed source packages (?is this correct?) * An Archive Admin is required to do the initial review and accept and must not do this unless they have received training. This involves verifying that the package was built correctly in the appropriate special purpose archive that has the appropriate signing keys attached, been copied over to the archive unapproved queue, etc. * Any SRU team member can release these packages but only when: * They verify that it was an Archive Admin that originally accepted it (?how?). * They have check for correct verification as for a normal SRU. * They release them together as required (which sru-release also enforces; don't override it!)