I am evaluating the rteval test to see whether it is a useful tool for us. In the current form, it is not packaged, and depends upon a library which is not packaged. These instructions only work for Natty and later. In order to install and run it on Ubuntu (Oneiric), these are the steps: 1. Install the required packages: * sudo apt-get install python-ethtool python-libxslt1 python-dmidecode rt-tests python-dev git 2. Install python-schedutils from source: * wget http://people.canonical.com/~sconklin/rteval/python-schedutils-0.3.tar.bz2 * tar jxvf python-schedutils-0.3.tar.bz2 * cd python-schedutils-0.3 * sudo python setup.py install * cd .. 3. Fetch and install rteval: * git clone git://github.com/sconklin/rteval.git * cd rteval/loadsource * wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.1.1.tar.bz2 * cd .. * sudo make install 4. Run rteval from terminal for generic kernel (for 6 minutes duration): * sudo python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rteval/rteval.py -d360.0 > rteval-$USER-generic-normal.txt * this dumps the test results into a text file in your /home directory 5. Run rteval from console (to check if cgroups affects test) for generic kernel (for 6 minutes duration): * clt-alt-F1 (to get to console) * log in * sudo python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rteval/rteval.py -d360.0 > rteval-$USER-generic-console.txt * this dumps the test results into a text file in your /home directory 6. Install -lowlatency kernel * install abogani's ppa from termainal * sudo add-apt-respository ppa:abogani/lowlatency * sudo apt-get update * sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency 7. Reboot 8. Run rteval from terminal for lowlatency kernel (for 6 minutes duration): * sudo python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rteval/rteval.py -d360.0 > rteval-$USER-lowlatency-normal.txt * this dumps the test results into a text file in your /home directory 9. Run rteval from console (to check if cgroups affects test) for lowlatency kernel (for 6 minutes duration): * clt-alt-F1 (to get to console) * log in * sudo python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rteval/rteval.py -d360.0 > rteval-$USER-lowlatency-console.txt * this dumps the test results into a text file in your /home directory 10. email results to scottalavender@gmail.com, be sure to put 'rteval' in the subject line of the email. ------------------------------- == Which low latency kernel are we testing? == The -lowlatecny kernel is available on kernel.ubuntu.com/git (that is http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=abogani/ubuntu-precise-lowlatency.git;a=summary). The -lowlatency kernel uses a different configuration: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=abogani/ubuntu-precise-lowlatency.git;a=blob;f=debian.lowlatency/config/config.flavour.lowlatency;h=491ecd9bba7b7ceab095632f84286148c6fbd4a3;hb=HEAD And a little patch to force kernel to put IRQ handlers in threads: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=abogani/ubuntu-precise-lowlatency.git;a=blob;f=debian.lowlatency/patches/made-kernel-irq-threaded-by-default.patch;h=390c876f853e8fbf4d692a1bd16aa3cfc290adfd;hb=HEAD