<> == Install == Use cases follow. If you don't already have Ubuntu running, you should consider installing [[http://docs.google.com/View?id=ajdnb7qcpxx3_2424jssjvdq|Ubuntu in a VM]]. === Use Case I: Laptop Already Running Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) === * Follow instructions for adding the Sugar Team PPA from launchpad: https://edge.launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa * run {{{sudo aptitude install ubuntu-sugar-remix}}} * UsesUSR === Start-up === == Actions == * Boot the XO * Press the [[image:Mesh_key_f1_small.png‎]] button to navigate to the Neighborhood, this is where you [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Network_Configurations|connect]] to wireless networks and other XO's in your classroom. * Join the "RIT" (Unsecured) wireless network. * Verify you are not connected to a Mesh network. (See the third note below.) === Notes === * The XO boots into [[http://www.sugarlabs.org/|Sugar]], the XO's [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedora_%28operating_system%29|Fedora]] Linux-based operating system. * The XO will connect properly to a WEP or WPA enabled AP. However, The XO's are unable to see the WPA network SSID on RIT's campus. * XOs are able to simultaneously connect to both a mesh network as well as an access point. Because of special ad-hoc mitigation on RIT's network, this functionality is currently unavailable. Therefore, you must always ensure you are using only one of the interfaces while on campus. ** Point the mouse into any corner of the screen to show the Frame. Towards the right, next to the power indicator, you will see the currently active connections. == Connect to the Internet, Download and Use IRC == === Actions === * Go back to "Home view" using the Home button: [[image:OLPC_Home_Key_F3.png]] * Single click the globe icon [[image:browse_activity.png]] to open Browse. Check your e-mail, perform a Google search, etc. * (There is no double clicking in Sugar. Double clicking can launch two instances of an Activity, which will be confusing and consume precious memory.) * Navigate to http://activities.sugarlabs.org search for and download the irc client. * Use the Frame [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Journal|Journal]] icon, [[image:Journal.jpg]], to open the Journal. It is a datastore browser and record of everything that occurs with Sugar. * When it is finished downloading, click the [[image:Olpc_irc.png]] icon and the IRC activity will start and be put in your activity list. * IRC is set to automatically connect to irc.freenode.net and join the channels #olpc-help and #sugar. Feel free to introduce yourself in the #sugar channel or ask for help in #olpc-help. === Verify === * The file downloads from the browser. * The Activity is installed, and its icon shows up in the Frame. * The Activity loads. == Playing an .ogg file in Browse == === Actions === * Click on the Browse Activity in the Frame to switch to it and type "ogg samples" in the Google search bar. * Click on the first link. * Scroll down to the sample files, and click on one of the .ogg files. === Verify === * You can switch between running Activities using the Frame. * The browser opens the totem-player. * The file is played. == Installing an Activity from USB == === Actions === * On your personal laptop (or school desktop), go to http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4184 * Download the sudoku Activity bundle (sudoku.activity.xo) * Copy this to a FAT-filesystem USB key. * Put the USB key into the XO. * Go to the Journal and click on the USB key icon. * Type "sud" in the search window. Find the sudoku.activity item, and click on it. * Click start. (the activity should install and load) * Quit the activity. Don't unmount/unplug the USB stick: you'll be using it in some tests below === Verify === * The USB key icon comes up in the Journal. * Searching for "sud" gets you the sudoku Activity bundle (along with anything else on the the key with "sud" in the name) * Resuming the bundle, installs the Activity and runs it. ** The Activity bundle should be unzipped in /home/olpc/Activities (that's what is meant by installed) == Transfer files to USB stick == === Actions === * Go to the Journal * Drag and drop each of these items from the Journal onto the USB stick * The Write Activity * The Clipboard object: Image. * The Paint Activity. * The {animal} Google Image Search session of the Browse Activity. * The Video created by Record. * Click on the USB stick Icon. * Mouse over the USB icon, and unmount the USB stick * Put the USB stick in the second XO. * Resume each item. === Verify === * Each of the items dragged onto the USB stick show up as items on it. * The USB stick unmounts, and the Journal view no longer contains a bottom bar with Journal and USB icons. * Each item transferred to the USB stick resumes on the second XO. == Connect to a jabber server and share activities == * Connect to a collaboration (jabber) server * From the Home view, hover on the central XO figure or right-click the figure to reveal the palette. * Select and click on the 'Control Panel' menu item. * Click on the Network icon. * In the Mesh (a misnomer) section, for Server: enter ''jabber.sugarlabs.org'' * Click the checkmark icon at the upper right of the panel, and on the Warning alert palette, select 'Restart now'. This will restart the [[wikipedia:X window manager]] on the laptop. * Once the Home view returns, go to the Neighbourhood view and verify your connectivity to an Access Point. If the collaboration server is running well, you should see other Sugar clients from around the world in the view. == Collaboration with Chat == === Actions === * In the Neighbourhood, once the connection to the mesh is complete, the chat Icon will appear within the Neighbourhood. When an Activity is visible in your Neighbourhood, this means someone on your mesh network is sharing an Activity. * Click on the Chat icon [[image:Sugar_chat.png]] to join the session. * Chat with your mates. === Verify === * The shared Chat Activity shows up in the Neighbourhood view of both laptops. * Whatever one laptop types in the Chat window after both are connected is seen by both laptops. * Chat works both ways. === Start other activities and collaborate with your neighborhood === * Explore the list view from the home screen. Note this is the complete list of activities on the machine and the circular view is a "favorites" view. You can add activities onto the favorites by starring them in list view. * Check out activities.sugarlabs.org and grab some interesting activities. *Start new activities and share with your neighborhood. **This can be accomplished from a pull down menu in the top toolbar of most activities. **Select "share with my neighborhood." **Additionally, to invite individual users, you can hover over the icon in neighborhood view and invite them to specific activities. *Look for and join other's shared activities from your neighborhood view. == Enable the Mesh Network == * Return to the Neighbourhood view * From either the Frame or the Neighbourhood view, hover over the RIT network you are connected to, click "Disconnect" once the full palette is shown. * Find mesh network 1, (not 5 or 11) and connect to it. (It will pulsate it while the XO is making a connection) == Image Transferring and Invite == === Actions === * Open Browse * Type some type of animal in the Google search bar. * Click on "Images" at the top of the page. * Press the top right button on the keyboard. (brings up the Frame) * Drag one of the images from the Google page onto the clipboard. (the left Frame bar) * Go to the Home view. * Mouse over the image file on the clipboard, and add it to the Journal. * Go to the Journal, find the clipboard image, and then return to the Home view. * Open Write * Press the Frame button again, and drag the image on the Frame onto the canvas of the Write document. * Hover over the corner of the image, and resize it to make it smaller than the screen. * Move the image to the center of the page. * Type a few lines above the image. * Go to the Neighbourhood view. * Hover over another XO (one that is also in your possession and running the same build), and click Invite. * On the second XO, click on the Write Icon that shows up in the Frame. * On the second XO, move the image around. * Type a few lines on both laptops. === Verify === * Browse opens properly. * The index bar comes up on the left of the page. * You are able to browse the web for pictures. ** this is not true if you are on link local networking. ** hover over the connection circle in Home view to see what type of connection you have. * Pressing the upper right button toggles the Frame visible/not visible. * The image copies to the clipboard and has an eyeball in the middle of the file symbol (means it's recognized as an image file) * The clipboard object is added to the Journal. * Write opens properly. * Dragging the image from the clipboard to the Write document places a copy of the image in the document. * You are able to move and resize the document. * When you invite another XO in the Neighbourhood view, an icon of the shared Activity shows up in that XO's Frame. * The Write document is shared properly. ** Whatever one laptop does to the document, both laptops see the changes. == Suspend/Resume due to Cover close == === Actions === * Close the laptop almost fully. (just to the point where the screen goes blank) * Another way of achieving the same result is pressing the power button. Pressing the power button again will bring the machine out of suspend * Open and close the laptop repeatedly * Maybe five or six times * Wait for the laptop to come out of suspend each time before closing it again. * If the laptop does not come out of suspend on open, try pushing a few buttons and/or touching the mouse pad. === Verify === * The laptop comes out of each suspend successfully. * The laptop never hangs in suspend or reboots itself when coming out of suspend. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/1_hour_smoke_test This should take less than one hour to do. See [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/smoke_test|smoke test]] for more. == Useful Links == * [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_Config_Notes|Test Config Notes]] (information on how to configure laptops for different tests) * [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_Network_Configuration|Test Network Configuration]] (detailed information on how to check your network configuration) * [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Things_to_test_after_updates|Things to test after updates]] (These tests should be run when we get to a good candidate release)