## page was renamed from Meeting03082008 {{{ * popey (n=alan@ubuntu/member/popey) has joined #ubuntu-helpteam * vojtech_t (n=vojtech@r6c231.net.upc.cz) has joined #ubuntu-helpteam * michalski (n=michalsk@blk-224-183-5.eastlink.ca) has joined #ubuntu-helpteam Hi vojtech_t michalski Hi. hay coolbhavi (hey) :) michalski Any idea where theCore is? let me check my inbox nope, nothing Lets wait for other 10 minutes mate roger that Charlie Bravo Hotel, Bravo Juliette Mike out popey.. Are you there? You are the senior most member... hey whats the purpose of chanserv? ChanServ is used as a guard bot.. .....ok * andrea-bs (n=andrea@ubuntu/member/andrea-bs) has joined #ubuntu-helpteam welcome andrea-bs hello michalski back in a second andrea-bs hi hello coolbhavi back note: this channel just hit an all time high for messages-in-a-day :) wow.... /msg chanserv /help * txwikinger (n=raj@sblug/member/txwikinger) has joined #ubuntu-helpteam hey txwikinger hey michalski hi txwikinger sorry for being late hi vojtech_t andrea-bs txwikinger How should LP improve support and compliment Ubuntu forums? Not sure.. I think we are doing not too bad Maybe we need to make sure that less questions are unanswered perhaps LP should be easier to use i find it fairly easy, but I dont like how it shoots old still-active questions to wayyy at the bottom, if the person helping them at the moment gets stumped,... for example, it's very easy to subscribe to a forum, but LP is a bit more complicated for some users I think if we have ideas that increase the usability of LP, we can write a spec and give it to the LP people then no one knows the question needs help I agree with michalski I too. Maybe we need the reverse sorting filter for "recently updated" Yes, that's good idea. +1 from me would it be possible to maybe have an assigning system set up for questions? when you answer something you can assign it to yourself, if you get stumped, you click a button or something and it moves the question to the top of the quee and removes you as the assignee that's a good idea too (basiclly reposting) A little more like a support software for professional support technical michalski: if you look at the left menu there is an "Assignee" field A little more like a support software for professional technical support yeah, but how do you use it? :S but I can't find the way how to edit it yes.. +1 take a look at this also..https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-answers/+spec/shared-recognition for the Assignee, why don't file a bug against Launchpad Answers? ;) How do you set an assignee? this can't be done from the UI Maybe that is a part that is only enabled for professional (paid) usage of LP? yes the same question I asked a few days back out of curiosity..https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-answers/+question/8995 txwikinger: LP is and will be always free andrea-bs: well there are a couple of conspiracy theories :D andrea-bs but LP has a image that its closed source... :) yes the same question I asked a few days back out of curiosit ← the Help team should be able to make assignements IMHO I was even asked at my bug-triage tutorial at my LUG about that coolbhavi: yes, but free is not open source ;) (on the note of helping improve launchpad...: https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers :) yes But how to do it? contact the LP team admins or file a bug... file a bug is the better way file a bug could we have a feature where were considered something like mod's and can assign? just wondering We can certainly consider... my question would be what exactly do we want to achieve and also look for alternatives maybe we shoot to fast into a solution without looking at the borader picture assigning rather narrows the people looking at an issue and works very well at a workplace michalski once you have subscribed to a question it drops in to your mailbox and LP is open to all mods wont be a good thing i think.. About assignment we can file a bug for sure.. ok, Problem: questions getting shot down too fast (is there a bigger picture? ^-| :S) I would rather look how to "highlight" the questions in question +1 +1 +1 Maybe a filter "Question with no answer for x amount of time" +1 yes my mailbox has gone artificially intelligent and decides which mail gets to me and what does not its so anoying * coolbhavi too agrees on good idea, txwikinger have to go or i'll be late for extra-curicular activity OK bye michalski bye michalski michalski: bye, see you soon Maybe even with a notice (link) like it appears sometimes for less frequent languages andrea-bs another question Can we mail Seveas to add a feature to ubotu to display open questions like bugs? good idea coolbhavi I already thought about implementing something like that for our kubutu-de.org channels where this would be useful yes..another thing compared to ubuntu forums LP answer team has got a minimal staff to provide support How to atleast get people interested? andrea-bs any thoughts? any inputs? sorry, I was busy Maybe doing some tutorials/presentations like we do for bug triage coolbhavi: I think the feature could be useful I will do an online one for the German speaking area sometime this month Ok.. On this channel I suppose... We can have a tutorial on the "Help" menu of most of the Ubuntu applications there's a "Report a bug" item, what about "Ask a question"? oh, sorry there's "Get help online" ;) cool .. didn't even know that :D and another many people when their problems get solved will click problem solved by themselves button.. Seems ambiguous for new users.. I think we have to have a meet and presentation sessions atleast once in 2 months... coolbhavi: there's a spec about it yes I know but LP has not done anything about it.. well... a lot of people asking those questions will probably never attend any presentations I think Launchpad developers underestimate Answers yes.. txwikinger is right... most of them do.. . Any other Ideas on improving Support? on LP? * coolbhavi searches for theCore Not on LP..... maybe more promotion from Canonical: look at , LP is the last item I think we are more expert than Ubuntu forum users :-P yes.. but with all that LP is going great.. Any support plans for hardy? I think the RDC idea would be a bit weird... RDC? RDC? Remote Desktop help via ssh mh... yes weird but not too bad I think we should find a mechanism to get the knowledge that is dispursed in LP by all those answers that solved questions into more concise help pages that in turn makes it easier to give answers again there are the LP FAQs they are more about howto use LP, are'nt they I thought rather into help.ubuntu.com wait a moment, I'll show you them yes..because we ask the users to provide more information if the problem is complicated and proceed further I think RDC is weird txwikinger: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faqs RDC is interesting idea, but I think it's impracticable... andrea-bs yes and there is a tour also... But what said was right pool up all the solved answers in one place so that the people can search answers for their problems and prevents duplication * andrea-bs has to go * andrea-bs has quit () coolbhavi: yes .. or be able to refer back to those in an answer. +1 there is no way to prevent duplication -- people are lazy, they won't search, or read FAQ, documentation etc. (my expirience from czech ubuntu forum) not lazy but most of them are newbies vojtech_t RDC is impracticable due to the above reason... any other support improvement plans vojtech_t? I think what we have put together today is quite good for a start let's get going on those yes.... I ll post the whole conversation on a wiki page... yes Where is our wiki page mate? :) If we don't have one already, start one in the style of MOTU and BUGS Bugs that is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Helpteam Yes * coolbhavi googling https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SupportTeam This is our page wow yes got it.. we should build up the wiki, with FAQ, logs of meetings, maybe recipes SupportSchool, similar to MOTU school https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU yes, good idea Yes.. I shall put up this meeting log there.. I think we should go one step at a time mate true.. just a a longer-term target yes.. How about the meeting and presentations frequency once in two months.. Any takers? yes good idea OK Then done mate... Thanks for coming to the meeting though was a little surprised at the attendance.. ;) Have a great day ahead and hope we can take off on something from here... Thanks coolbhavi.. nice to meet you here same to vojtech_t my pleasure and same to you guys.. Thaks. Hey I almost forgot to ask you.. What is the essential role of the IRC channel of our team in your view? Well. so far we only do those meetings here, I believe Maybe we can use it to support each other a little bit Yes My initial impression was that.. Discussing out questions and helping each other.. But nobody seemed to be around after meet is finished... :) Any takers on this? sure.. I put this channel in the automatically joined channels now :) :) Ok great.. Lets get going on today's meet and help ubuntu spread.. It was great having such experienced guys here for the meet.. and it was truly a food for thought.. Have a great day ahead guys...:) }}}