## page was copied from SwedishTeam/TeamReports/12/March ## page was copied from SwedishTeam/TeamReports/12/February ## page was copied from SwedishTeam/TeamReports/12/January ## * LoCo meeting held on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwedishTeam/M%C3%B6te/IRCM%C3%B6te19/protokoll|22th]] ## * Regular monthly LoCo member meeting. ## * Project "Svenska videoguider" (Swedish Screencasts) continued their work. ## * Currently finished and planned screencasts are available at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwedishTeam/Videoguider/filmer|this wiki-page]]. ## * An overhaul to the LoCo website has been made. [[http://www.ubuntu-se.org|(Ubuntu-se.org)]] ## * More work to be done to increase the activity on the frontpage. ## * Minor collaboration with the Norwegian LoCo took place. ## * More collaboration planned for the future. 2013-08-19: Ordinary loco meeting on Hangout, link to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwedishTeam/M%C3%B6te/IRCM%C3%B6te25/Protokoll|minutes]] and [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp-86eiarmQ|video]]