= 20180216 Meetup = We met at the offices of Puzzle Itc in Bern on 2018/02/16 and discussed the upcoming release party. {{attachment:20180216_meetup.jpg|Not a great picture of the meetup but better than nothing|width=800 height=600}} == Notes == These are incomplete so please feel free to edit/expand: * The release party will take place at Puzzle Itc. Bern on the 26th of April 2018. * Puzzle and Open/CH will get in touch with various media outlets * SwissLinux/Gull/other LUGs should be invited/informed * More topics for presentation/talks need to be found. Ideas thrown around: LXD demo, gaming (steam) * Once the LoCo reapproval is done by the LoCo council, order goodiebag for the release * Is it possible to have t-shirts to sell? * Install party * Key signing party (if enough are interested)