This is a minute of the #Ubuntu-ch meeting held on the 15th of Jan 2008.

Wiki-fairies, please make this beautiful and/or reorganise Wink ;)

General management

Ubuntu Hardy release party:

2 parties on each side of the « Röschtigraben »

Possible locations

Update website

Contact schools

Contact different groups:


More demos of things you can do with Ubuntu

Proposed activities / Workshops / Speeches:

Catch phrases for marketing:

Media to contact

Radios (student radios from ETH / EPFL)?

Educate media of our existense

We need Cds to distribute! Lots of Cds! Tons of them! More Cds! AAAAAARG!

A united Ubuntu-ch t-shrit

Next meeting: Jan 22

What wasn't discussed - or not enough – and should be in the next meeting:

The places Smile :) we need to know for sure where the party is going to be held. The scale of the event (50 persons per party of more like 500?)

SwissTeam/Meetings/15-01-2008 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:25 by localhost)