In the past, we have organised and/or attended the following events: * [[|Ubucon 13]] in Zurich, 4th of May 2013 * [[|Fêtons Linux 2013]] in Geneva, 27th of April 2013 * [[|Ubuntu and Open Source for Startups]] Event, 13th December 2012 * Ubuntu 12.10 Release Party in Zurich as part of [[|Open Tuesday]], 4th of December 2012 * Precise Pangoline Release Party in Winterthur * for further information please visit the [[|wiki page]] * Festival du développement durable in Geneva, 13-14th of May 2011 * For more information please visit: * [[|FDD 2011]] * [[|Application]] * [[|Credits]] * Natty Narwhal Release Party in Winterthur * for further information please visit the [[|preparation page]] * GNOME 3 Release Party in Zurich * see the preparation page here: [[../2011-GNOME3ReleaseParty-Zurich]] * Ubuntu Global Jam 2011 in Zurich, 1st of April * see the preparation page here: [[../2011-UbuntuGlobalJam-Zurich]] * FrOSCamp 2010 in Zurich, 17/18 September * see the preparation page here: [[../2010-FrOSCamp]] * Fêtons Linux in Geneva, 8 October * see the preparation page here: [[../2010-FetonsLinux]] * Maverick Release Parties, autumn 2010 * see the preparation page here: [[../ReleasePartiesMaverick]] * [[|OpenExpo]] in Bern, 24-25 March 2010 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../OpenExpo/2010-Bern]] * Ubuntu 9.10 Release Party in Bern, 21 November 2009 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../ReleasePartyKarmic]] * [[|OpenExpo]] in Winterthur, 23-24 September 2009 * Preparations took place on [[../OpenExpo/2009-Winterthur]] * Ubuntu 9.04 Release Party in Bern, 25 April 2009 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../ReleasePartyJaunty]] * [[|OpenExpo]] in Bern, 1-2 April 2009 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../OpenExpo/2009-Bern]] * Moira Brülisauer, Nick Schlegel, Myriam Schweingruber and Daniel Stoni were busy at the booth handing out CDs, showing the new KDE 4.2.2 on Jaunty on a laptop and even giving some support to the occasional user. Moira and Daniel worked in the installzone on the second day to spread some K/Ubuntu love * [[ | StartupCamp]] in Basel, 30 Jan 2009: * [[ | Sacha Schlegel]] was so kind to spread some Ubuntu love at that event and handed out the Swiss Remix DVD * Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party in Zurich, 30 October 2008 * The preparations were coordinated on [[ | ReleasePartyIntrepid]] * The program of the [[ | Release Party in Zürich]] * [[|OpenExpo]] in Winterthur, 24/25 September 2008 * The preparations were coordinated on [[ ../OpenExpo/2008-Zurich]] * Ubuntu 8.04 Release Party in Zurich, 24. May 2008 * The preparations were coordinated on [[ | ReleasePartyHardy]]. * The program of the [[|Release Party in Zürich]] * Ubuntu 8.04 Release Party in Lausanne, 17. May 2008 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../ReleasePartyHardy]]. See the [[../ReleasePartyHardy/Lausanne|program]]. * [[|OpenExpo]] in Berne, 12/13 March 2008 * The preparations were coordinated on the [[|mailing list]] * Ubuntu 7.10 Release Party in Bern, 18. October 2007 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../ReleasePartyGutsy]] * Open``Expo 2007 in Zurich, 19-20. September 2007 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../OpenExpo/2007-Zurich]] * Software Freedom Day, 15. September 2007 * The preparations were coordinated on [[../SFD/2007]] * Feisty Workshop in Luzern, 24. May 2007 * At the local [[|Linux-Treff]], organized together with the [[|LUGS]] and [[|HTA]] there were presentations on "Desktop effects and Xorg configuration" and "Encrypted disk partitions". * Ubuntu 7.04 Release Party in Zurich, 21. April 2007 * We threw a party to celebrate the new "Feisty" release, and people came from all over Switzerland! For more information see [[../ReleasePartyFeisty]]. There also is an article (German only) about the Party here: [[|PC-Tipp Topthema]] * The Open Expo 2007 in Bern, 7-8. March 2007 * We had a stand with a desk and a big poster. To see what we did and have a look to some pictures see [[../OpenExpo/2007-Bern]]. * Ubuntu Install Party in Luzern, 30. November 2006 * Organized together with [[|Zentralschweizer Linux-Treff]] ([[attachment:lugs-nov30.pdf|Slides]]) * Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Release Party, 26. October 2006 * Took place in Bern, see EdgyReleaseParties * Software Freedom Day Bern, 22. July 2006 * July 22nd, meeting about "Software Freedom Day" in Bern (Restaurant Beaulieu) at 14:00. * Funduntu Lausanne, 1. June 2006 * Celebrating the release of Dapper Drake around a fondue trio: [[|Fondue for human beings]]. * Install Party in Horw (Luzern), 18. Mai 2006 * Together with the [[|local Linux user group]] we will arrange a Ubuntu presentation and install party at the HTA outside Luzern. Just two weeks before the official release, we will focus on the new Ubuntu 6.06. Everybody is welcome to attend and bring their own computers if they would like help to install Ubuntu. More details here: [[../InstallParty18Mai]]. * Meeting in Bern, 9. Mai 2006 * Wir trafen uns am Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006 um 19.00 Uhr im Rest. Excellence (gratis WLAN) um über Ubuntu allgemein, das kommende Release, aktuelle technische Hürden etc. auszutauschen - von User für User - alle sind herzlich eingeladen! * Ubuntu Bug Lounge Luzern, 21. April 2006 * Ubuntu 6.06 Beta release and Ubuntu Bug Day in Luzern, announced on the [[|LUGS Zentralschweiz]] mailing list. Just a meet-up to install the beta and help sort out bugs.