''French version: [[SwissTeam/ReleasePartyHardy/Lausanne]]'' [[http://amarok.kde.org/d/en/index.php?q=gallery&g2_itemId=10284&g2_page=1/|Pictures from the party]] = Ubuntu 8.04 release party at Lausanne = To celebrate the release of the latest version of Ubuntu, version 8.04, code named Hardy Heron, the Swiss LoCo team has to pleasure to invite you to a release party. {{attachment:hardy-release.png}} The event is intended to give people - even completely inexperienced computer users - an insight into how Ubuntu works and the possibilities it offers. In several talks, the main components and applications will be presented. There will also be plenty of time to allow everyone to try them out and to talk with specialists and to meet people from inside the community (yes, we even have the great pleasure to welcome one of the core developers of Amarok (see below for more details). So we are looking forward to welcome you to celebrate newest version of the most user friendly GNU&Linux distribution you can find. == General informations == || '''Event name:''' ||Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) release party|| || '''Organizer:''' ||SwissTeam|| || '''Date:''' ||17.05.2008|| || '''Doors opened at:''' ||3pm|| || '''Doors closed at:''' ||12pm|| || ''' Location: ''' ||[[http://tinyurl.com/4d2tn9|PSE-C]] (EPFL, 1015 Lausanne).|| || '''Main sponsor:''' ||[[http://www.camptocamp.com/|camptocamp]]|| || '''Contacts:''' |||| || ||'''SwissTeam:''' "ubuntu-­ch at lists.ubuntu.com"|| || ||'''Myriam Schweingruber:''' "schweingruber at pharma­traduction.ch"|| || ||'''Patrick Murena:''' "patrick.murena at gmail.com" tel: +41 79 207.38.72|| == Presentations timetable == === Part 1: Introduction === ||'''Time'''||'''Title'''||'''What'''||'''Speaker'''|| ||4:00pm||Introduction||Welcome speech.||[[Peppy2]]|| ||4:10pm||Ubuntu did you said Ubuntu??||Ubuntu is more than an Operating System: There is a philosophy, there is a community, there are developers and there is a company behind it. They are continuously developing new tools and and improve the existing programmes. And also: It's easy to get support for every problem you may encounter. ||[[MyriamSchweingruber]]|| === Part 2: Ubuntu for Newbies === ||'''Time'''||'''Title'''||'''What'''||'''Speaker'''|| ||4:45pm||Work with Ubuntu.||This talk will show you that every thing you do on Windows or MacOs can be done with Ubuntu. Office tasks, contact management, e-mails, surfing on internet, calendar management all this is as simple as walking thanks to Ubuntu.||Simon Schneebeli|| ||5:00pm||Sound, video and picture.||Ubuntu is more then a simple work station it allows you to manage and enjoy your multimedia files. Learn how.||[[Peppy2]]|| ||5:10pm||Synaptic, you wont believe how simple it is to find and install apps on Ubuntu.||Thanks to the synaptic package manager you have access to over 22'000, no it's not a misspell, free and open source software with whom you can do what ever you want and even more. Let's see how this works.||Simon Schneebeli/[[Peppy2]]|| ||5:20pm||Scribus and Ubuntu||The open source desktop publishing (DTP) alternative||Dominique Bédier|| ||5:35pm||First steps with Ubuntu||Participants are invited to try out themselves how all these things work. They can bring along their own computer, start the system from a CD or play around on one of the computers that will be available|||| === Part 3: Meet the developers === ||'''Time'''||'''Title'''||'''What'''||'''Speaker'''|| ||6:30pm||Amarok makes playing the music you love easier than ever before - and looks good doing it.|| Mark Kretschmann founder and core developer of Amarok makes us the honor to present his baby. ''English talk.''||[[http://amarok.kde.org/blog/categories/1-markey|Mark Kretschmann]]|| === Super break === === Part 4: Configuration Automation & Centralized Management With Puppet === ||'''Time'''||'''Title'''||'''What'''||'''Speaker'''|| ||8:30||Sponsor talk:Camptocamp SA presents how the Configuration Automation & Centralized Management With Puppet.||not available yet.||[[http://www.camptocamp.com|Camptocamp SA]]|| === Part 5: Ubuntu gems: The pleasure of working with Ubuntu === ||'''Time'''||'''Title'''||'''What'''||'''Speaker'''|| ||9:30pm||Compiz fusion.||You tell yourself WOW when you see a friend using his MacOSX, or you're willing to buy a new machine in order to experiment the so called “WOW effect” of Windows Vista. Well we can do all those things and we do it even on older machines. Come along and WOW with us ;)||[[Tribaal]]|| ||9:45pm||Ubuntu as a gaming platform.||Your friends told you “Linux, hum, that's a geek toy on which you can't even play video games” well that's not really truth. We'll show you that Ubuntu can be used as a gaming platform and even run Windows games.||[[kiplantt]]|| == Sponsors/Partenaires == || '''Sponsor''' || '''Partenaire''' || || {{attachment:camp.gif}} || {{attachment:amarok.png}} || || [[http://www.camptocamp.com/|camptocamp]] ||[[http://amarok.kde.org/fr/|Amarok]] ||