||<>|| = Jaunty Jackalope Release Party = Ubuntu 9.04, codename "Jaunty Jackalope" will be released on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule/|23th April 2009]]. This is '''not''' an install event, just a party to have fun together. == Organisation == === Date and Location === Date: 25 April 2009, starting: 18.00 CEST Location: [[http://denk-mal.info|Denk:Mal]] in Berne, Stauffacherstrasse 82 [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Stauffacherstrasse+82,+3014+Berne,+Switzerland&sll=46.967309,7.460017&sspn=0.012754,0.033045&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17&iwloc=A|Map]] === Material === * CDs have been ordered, but as this event is too close to the release date, there will be none in time === Ideas === A simply Party the Saturday after the release with grilling and so... ==== Posters / Fliers designs ==== We will need good artwork. I will get in touch with the poster artist from last time, let's hope she is willing to help us on this one too! -- [[LaunchpadHome:myriam]] <> === Press and other contacts === A press release is needed, we will coordinate this in the future IRC meetings. || What || Who || done || || ubuntuusers.de || moosline || || || Symlink || ErwinHerrsche || || || The ZHdK's VMK blog (blog.vmk.zhdk.ch) || || || || Digitale Allmend || || || || gnupingu.ch ("Über Gnus und Pinguine") ||moosline ||done || || 20 Minuten || || || || Punkt CH || || || || Heute || || || || Regionalredaktion ZH, BE, etc. || || || || züritipp || || || || swisslinux.org || HassanElJacifi || Done || || Tagesanzeiger Digital || || || || PC Tipp online || || || || Computer World Schweiz || || || || Revamp-IT || || || || /ch/open || || || || Zentralschweizer LUGS || || || || Blitz (Magazin des AMIV) || ErwinHerrsche || || == Review previous RPs == === Good === === Not so good === === Would be better to === === Discussion and brainstorming ===