Before requesting a sync

Syncs (like uploads) cannot be reversed or undone. ALWAYS thoroughly check a package before asking for a sync. In particular, if there are Ubuntu changes in the current package, you must ensure the Ubuntu changes have been merged or are no longer relevant. If the Ubuntu changes are still relevant, the package should be merged from Debian, not synced.

Sometimes the sponsor requires a build log of the Debian package compiled in the Ubuntu release as proof that the new Debian version still compiles in Ubuntu. The build log has to be attached to the sync request.

After FeatureFreeze, syncs of a newer upstream version require a freeze exception.

You should always sync a package rather than uploading the unmodified source by hand, as it is safer and more accurate. If you know you will upload modified source immediately, modify the package and make an -<n>ubuntu<n> upload rather than requesting a sync. However, be sure to always use the exact same .orig.tar.gz as Debian (or whomever).

After DebianImportFreeze, it's a good idea to review the Debian changes to make sure that the fixes will improve Ubuntu: some changes (maintainer change, new uploader, NMU acknowledgement with no additional fixes, etc.) may be better left for the next cycle.

If the version in Ubuntu is a -0ubuntu* version, i.e. it introduces a new upstream that Debian doesn't have it is important to check that the md5sum of the .orig.tar.gz in the Ubuntu archive matches the md5sum of the tarball in the Debian archive (or wherever the sync is from). If it does not match then you risk problems where the source package cannot be unpacked, or where it is not even valid in the first place. If it does not match then you will have to do a fakesync.

An explicit sync is not necessary, when

For people with permission to upload the package to Ubuntu

Use the syncpackage tool from ubuntu-dev-tools to perform the sync (manual page). This will ask Launchpad to copy the source package publication entry from its import of Debian. You can do this for any package you could upload directly to Ubuntu.

This process relies on the Debian source upload having been processed by the Debian archive, pushed to mirrors, and then imported by Launchpad, so it can take a little while for very recent uploads to be available (in general, though, this should take well under a day). The Debian publication history in Launchpad ( shows when uploads have been imported.

Although you no longer need to file a sync request bug if you have direct upload permission (unless you need a freeze exception), please look over the "Content of a sync request" section below and make sure you have a good reason for any Ubuntu changes you are dropping as a result of the sync.

For people requiring sponsorship

Content of a sync request

When requesting a 'sync', please include the following information:

Submitting your request

To request a sync, file a bug in Launchpad with the above information (the requestsync tool discussed below makes this simple). Once the bug is complete and correct, subscribe (NOT assign) ubuntu-sponsors. They will review the request and perform the sync for you using the syncpackage tool. (Previously syncs went through the Archive Administrators. This process is now deprecated.)

Do not change the Status of the bug or put it back to New as package sponsors use this field. Do track the status of the sync. You will be notified via bug mail when the package has been published.

Warning: As the sync requester, your "hidden" Launchpad contact e-mail address will be publicly disclosed when the package is released (523093).

If you do not have a Launchpad account you can mail the ubuntu-devel mailing list (warning: moderated for non-developers).


There's a tool that automates the bureaucratic part of the sync request process, requestsync in the ubuntu-dev-tools package.

requestsync looks at the versions of the source package in Debian and Ubuntu, prompts for an explanation of why the Ubuntu changes (if there are any) should be dropped, downloads the new Debian changelog entries, and files the bug in Launchpad.

For documentation of how to call requestsync, see its manual page.

Sync bug list

Before submitting a sync request, please check that a similar request has not been filed already. You can see all bugs to which the ubuntu-sponsors have been subscribed here.


SyncRequestProcess (last edited 2012-01-23 12:20:22 by mitya57)