
Revision 25 as of 2009-06-23 02:11:42

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<MONTH> <YEAR> Team Reports

If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.

* Report Item

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item

Ubuntu Governance

Community Council

LoCo Council

MOTU Council

Technical Board

Team Name

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item

Ubuntu Development Teams

Xubuntu Team

Team Name

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item

Team Name

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Cameroonian Team

Chilean Team

Greek Team

Irish Team

Korean Team

Norwegian team

Romanian Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Chicago Team

New York State Team

Ohio Team

Pennsylvania Team


  • Tampa Meetup
  • Team fishing trip
  • Qimo Build Day May
  • South East Linux Fest
    • itnet7 and pak33m represented the team.

    • itnet7 represented the Florida Linux Show

    • pak33m attended two BOF sessions with other other LoCo team members to mostly talk about improving LoCos.

  • Ubuntu Global Jam for Empathy
  • Meeting June 2nd

    1. Proposed a Packaging Jam for September 27th, 2009

    2. Proposed a Bug Jam for July or August but tbd.
    3. Talked about creating a video for the SpreadUbuntu project.

  • Meeting June 16th

    1. Qimo Youth Build Day
    2. Ubuntu Membership mentoring for the team

Team Name

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item

Ubuntu Beginners Team