= September 2010 Team Reports = <> ||'''Contents'''<
><>|| If your team is not making team reports, see [[BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting|these guidelines]] for how to do so. ## begin editing below this line ## try to keep teams in alphabetical order == Ubuntu Governance == === Americas Regional Membership Board === <> === Community Council === <> === Developer Membership Board === <> === EMEA Regional Membership Board === <> === Forum Council === <> === IRC Council === <> === LoCo Council === <> === Technical Board === <> == Ubuntu Development Teams == === Kubuntu Team === <> === Reviewers Team === <> === Ubuntu Studio Team === <> === Xubuntu Team === <> == Ubuntu LoCo Teams == === Argentina Team === <> === Asturian Team === <> === Belgian Team === <> === Cameroonian Team === <> === Canadian Team === <> === Catalan Team === <> === Chilean Team === <> === Ubuntu Colombia === <> === Danish Team === <> === Ecuador Team === <> === French Team === <> === German Kubuntu Team === <> === Greek Team === <> === Honduras Team === <> === Hungarian Team === <> === Ubuntu Ireland === <> === Ubuntu Israel === <> === Japanese Team === <> === Korean Team === <> === Nicaraguan Team === <> === Norwegian team === <> === Philippine Team === <> === Quebec Team === <> === Romanian Team === <> === Russian Team === <> === Serbian Team === <> === South African Ubuntu team === <> === Swiss Team === <> === Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team === <> === Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team === <> === United States Teams === ==== US Teams Project ==== <> ==== Ubuntu California ==== <> ==== Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team ==== <> ==== District of Columbia Team ==== <> ==== Florida LoCo Team ==== <> ==== Iowa Team ==== <> ==== New York State Team ==== <> ==== Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team ==== <> ==== Ohio Team ==== <> ==== Pennsylvania Team ==== <> ==== Virginia Team ==== <> ==== Washington Team ==== <> === Ubuntu Venezuela Team === <> === Zimbabwe Team === <> == Additional Ubuntu Teams == === Ubuntu Accessibility Team === <> === Ubuntu Beginners Team === <> === Ubuntu Classroom Team === <> === Ubuntu NGO Team === <> === Ubuntu Women Team === * Flavia Weisghizzi and Silvia Bindelli of Ubuntu-It spoke with Debian and Fedora women at the Debian Ubuntu (Italian) Community Conference * [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-September/003008.html|Mailing list post]] * [[http://xdatap1.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/debian-ubuntu-community-conference-ita-2010/|blog]] (w/ photos!) * Melissa Draper and Alan Bell have been working on new wiki theme for our website * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-women/ubuntu-women.org/mointheme]] * [[http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-41/|Full Circle Magazine, Issue #41]] with interview of 10.10 Kernel Release Manager Leann Ogasawara * Team update (in lieu of meeting) [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-September/003016.html|September 23rd]] * Team meeting [[http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/20100908|September 8th]] * Laura Czajkowski ran her 4th Barcamp in Dublin [[http://ossbarcamp.com|ossbarcamp]] * Isabell Long's Rewired State project [[http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/topstorynews/2010/09/pm-challenges-departments-to-slash-energy-use-55332|hits the headlines]] http://govspark.org.uk/about/ * Of the 623 Ubuntu Members at the end of this month 4.82% are women