* Technical Board meeting, 2009-12-01 (chair mdz) * Prior action review, leaves the follow still to do: * [ACTION] cjwatson checking on IS RT #36139 to add devel-permissions * [ACTION] Scott to redraft Units policy to address Scott's and Matt's concerns and clean up language * [ACTION] Colin to clarify trademark/license distinction on licensing policy * Archive reorganisation (ColinWatson) * [ACTION] cjwatson to create a wiki reference for development teams to participate in the reorg * https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy * Would be good to outline a regression handling policy as well. * Default to assuming users want stability. * [ACTION] ScottK to revise proposal based on TB meeting discussion * When is it a good idea to fail out of a maintainer script? (mdz) * Generally, failing preinst is preferred to failing postinst. * Generally, daemon start-up failure should not fail postinst. * May help to make a distinction between devel and release upgrades. * No clear "philosophical" state of being configured, so it's is non-obvious how to decide what should be considered a failure. * Would be beneficial to present a straw-man proposal to the Debian TC to coordinate this. * Will continue at the next meeting. * Community Bugs * https://launchpad.net/bugs/485569 "TB term length is unclear" * elections single-year staggered with resulting positions having a two-year term. * [ACTION] sabdfl to update LP/wiki/www to reflect the actual term length for TB * https://launchpad.net/bugs/485971 "Technical Board mailing list archive is private" * blocked on IS, now that DMB is up and running. * [ACTION] cjwatson to nudge RT 35428 * Out of time, deferred further review to next meeting * Next meeting: kees to chair * Technical Board meeting, 2009-12-15 (chair kees) * Prior action review * Excepting tasks covered under the UnitsPolicy and Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy discussions below, prior actions were all done. * UnitsPolicy * Generally okay, but some minor clean-ups still needed. Could coordinate with Debian. * [ACTION] mdz to fix language wrt cmdline meaning in Unit policy * [ACTION] kees to present Units policy to Debian TC via bdale * Status of ARM port vs. archive publishing (slangasek, mdz) * ARM is considered supported for Karmic and later, even though it lives on ports. * [ACTION] cjwatson to document meanings of archive vs. ports, cdimage vs. releases, etc. * Archive reorganisation (ColinWatson) * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation * [ACTION] cjwatson to add a bit more intro to UbuntuDevelopment/TeamDelegation, and link it from appropriate places * [ACTION] cjwatson to follow up with kubuntu-dev and mythbuntu-dev to get ubuntu-core-dev added * Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy * [ACTION] ScottK to update policy based on kubuntu upstream feedback * [ACTION] kees to follow up with ScottK on Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy updates * Execute Permission Policy (KeesCook) * [ACTION] kees to clean up further and re-present at next meeting * Check up on community bugs (standing item) * https://launchpad.net/bugs/485559 "Mark Shuttleworth has no expiration date set in the tech-board LP team" * [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and clarify his role * [ACTION] sabdfl to update bug with status and discussion * When is it a good idea to fail out of a maintainer script? (Matt Zimmerman) * Deferred, ran out of time. * Next meeting is Jan 12, 2010. Chair: cjwatson