* Technical Board meeting, 2010-03-23 * Attendees: Colin Watson (chair), Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Scott James Remnant * Apologies: Matt Zimmerman * Guests: Emmet Hikory, Daniel Holbach * Action review: * https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy upstream is http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Minor_Point_Release_Policy/Draft; Riddell to get agreement with KDE on point release criteria * no feedback * dholbach to finalise LeadershipAppointment page, and close bug on sabdfl role in TB * done * cjwatson to implement edubuntu-dev delegations * done * No other business this week. Action to remind Mark to write up last week's (more interesting) minutes. * Chair for next meeting: Kees Cook * Technical Board meeting, 2010-03-09 * Attendees: Mark Shuttleworth (chair), Colin Watson, Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Scott James Remnant * Apologies: Matt Zimmerman * Guests: Daniel Holbach, Emmet Hikory, Jonathan Riddell * Archive reorganisation * DanielHolbach: merge ubuntu-universe-sponsors and ubuntu-main-sponsors (Discussion) * Awaiting list creation (Canonical sysadmin ticket: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=37728) * Mark clarified that per-package upload permissions should not depend on having made a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu, but should rather simply depend on one's credible skills to do that work; as such, they should not necessarily confer membership * Our current model expects both credibility and significant-and-sustained: per-package uploaders are added to [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev|ubuntu-dev]], conferring Ubuntu membership, and are electors for the TB and DMB * Emmet will write something up based on these guidelines for further discussion among the CC and TB * Kubuntu updates policy * No change upstream yet; Jonathan needs to tidy it up, answer some queries, and get agreement * [ACTION] Riddell to get agreement with KDE on point release criteria * Units policy - Check up on feedback from Debian TC * Nothing new here; Bdale sent this on but it hasn't got traction. * The Board discussed the policy at some length, with initial dissent; we dropped "must" to "may" for shell scripts on the basis that it is often better to leave small programs robust and simple than to add complexity to them, and we added a third and preferred file size possibility of just showing base-10, since it is often not desirable to add options everywhere. * The priority is to harmonise the GUI and fix obvious sources of confusion there, not to spend lots of effort on the long tail for little gain. * With these modifications, the Board voted unanimously in favour of the units policy. * Community bugs * One bug about Mark's tenure was open: [[CommunityCouncil/RestaffingProposal]] addresses this, so the bug was closed. * [ACTION] dholbach to finalise LeadershipAppointment page, and close bug on sabdfl role in TB * Discuss https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2010-February/003323.html * The Board voted unanimously in favour of the Edubuntu Council assuming responsibility for [[https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev|edubuntu-dev]], and permitting that team to upload packages in the `edubuntu` package set. * [ACTION] cjwatson to implement edubuntu-dev delegations * The Board agreed that the meeting chair should henceforth rotate alphabetically by IRC nick, to save time on deciding who should be the next chair. * Chair for next meeting: Colin Watson