- Meeting 2010-11-02
- Chair: Kees Cook
- Present: Martin Pitt, Matt Zimmerman, Colin Watson, Mark Shuttleworth
- Apologies: Scott James Remnant
- Guests: Emmet Hikory
- Action review
Colin to ensure that documentation on nature of extras.ubuntu.com archive makes it into process docs, and ensure that ARB legality checks are synchronised with those of ubuntu-archive. carry over
Matt to follow up with Brian on 174375 DONE
- Dynamic "per package upload permissions" for Debian Developers
- Supported in theory, formal proposal desired, since the details will be the hard part.
- Micro release exception request for Chromium
- Approved and documented.
- Quarterly Brainstorm review
- [ACTION] Matt to write up Quarterly Brainstorm review and send to TB mailing list.
- TB meeting moved to 1500 UTC
- Next chair: sabdfl
- Meeting 2010-11-16
- Chair: Martin Pitt
- Present: Colin Watson, Kees Cook, Scott James Remnant
- Guests: Scott Kitterman, Allison Randall, John Lenton, Eric Casteleijn
- Action review
Colin to ensure that documentation on nature of extras.ubuntu.com archive makes it into process docs, and ensure that ARB legality checks are synchronised with those of ubuntu-archive. DONE
Matt to write up Quarterly Brainstorm review and send to TB mailing list. DONE
- KDE micro version update exception
upstream policy draft: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Minor_Point_Release_Policy/Draft
Proposed policy: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy
- Approved with 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained
Martin added this to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions
- couchdb on lucid: backport 1.0
UbuntuOne cloud servers got updated to couchdb 1.0 to handle the load and SSL
According to README and James Westby, the 0.10 -> 1.0 upgrade needs to be done manually for the system wide instance
- Impact on per-user couchdbs to be clarified
- API is said to not have changed "much", but any change will break existing couchdb applications, and thus needs to be clarified and evaluated
- will cause problems with shared home directories and clients with mixed 1.0/0.1 packages
- To be investigated by U1 team: introduce couchdb-1.0 package into lucid; what other packages need to be changed, what's the impact?
- To be re-discussed at next meeting with more information on the wiki page
- ARB exception proposal
- Public python libraries shouldn't be a matter for these packages
- Private libraries could be kept in the app dir by setting sys.path
- Can quickly templates be updated in lucid to automatically add the application dir to sys.path?
- Non-quickly apps would have a requirement to set this up by themselves; is that practical?
- .pyc files are not a must, so we could ship maverick packages without them
- general opinion was that making an exception for desktop files only would be okay
- Some discussion whether using a vendor prefix in /opt would make sense
- Next chair: sabdfl (carried over)
- Meeting 2010-11-30
Log: http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-meeting.20101130_0859.html
- Chair: Matt Zimmerman
- Other members present: Martin Pitt
- Guests: Allison Randall, John Lenton, Eric Casteleijn, Rick Spencer, Stuart Langridge, Emmet Hikory
- Action review
- KDE microversion SRU docs - done
couchdb lucid backport SRU - John Lenton
- Continuation from the previous meeting
- We enumerated options for the Ubuntu One team to restore lost functionality in Ubuntu 10.04 resulting from the CouchDB 1.0 server-side update. The options supported by the TB members present were:
- option 1: parallel package couchdb 1.0, update desktopcouch to use it, and release via SRU exception
- option 3: update couchdb to 1.0 in backports, superseding 0.1 in lucid
- option 4: do nothing, focus on natty, move on
- The U1 team will decide which option to pursue based on available resources and business considerations
ARB exception proposal - Allison Randal
- Continuation from the previous meeting
- Allison's proposal was supported by the TB members present:
- Allow .desktop files to be installed outside /opt.
- In Natty, we'll modify Quickly, cdbs, python-support, and related packages o support installation in /opt.
- For Maverick, accept that .pyc files and version symlinks won't be generated for Python libraries.
- For Maverick, ARB will perform manual package fixes on proposed applications, to install in /opt and load libraries from /opt.
- Binaries only in /opt (no exceptions for Maverick), will not be in $PATH.
- Official install location is /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/ (with version number? i.e. "/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/foo-1.5")