- Meeting 2011-04-07
- Chair: Kees Cook
- Present: Scott James Remnant, Matt Zimmerman
- Apologies: Martin Pitt, Colin Watson, Mark Shuttleworth
- Guests: Doug Mandell, Rick Spencer, Dave Morley, Jorge Castro, James Westby, Chris Coulson, Scott Kitterman
- action review
- everything assigned last meeting was completed
- Classic Gnome Desktop by default (dmandell)
- Action: rickspencer3 will bring up the state of unity on the -desktop list for public review and discussion
- Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
- nothing needed discussion during the IRC meeting
- Check up on community bugs (standing item)
- 1 bug is closed (patches URL)
- Action: mdz to attach missing patches for debian bugs 151820 308832 35325 and 326677
- 2 bugs remain standing for LP rights
- Select a chair for the next meeting
TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/11/April (last edited 2011-04-07 19:14:17 by c-76-105-168-175)