* Meeting: 2011-12-12 * Chair: Martin Pitt * Attendees: Kees Cook, Stephane Graber, Matt Zimmerman, Colin Watson, Soren Hansen * Guests: Tim Gardner, Steve Langasek, Jonathan Carter * Full log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-12-21.01.moin.txt * Action review: * pitti: document brainstorm review activity: DONE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/BrainstormReview * kees: perform brainstorm review → carried * Edubuntu LTS application * Still blocked on Kubuntu LTS application * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/12.04/LTS-Proposal has the list of affected applications, will still be tuned a bit to drop Java dependencies * Non-PAE kernel disposition * Kernel team would like to drop non-PAE kernel soon * TB members generally feel that (1) dropping the current default kernel is too much of a step, and (2) there is still a significant number of users which have non-PAE systems, based on Launchpad bug report data and an ubuntu-devel@ strawpoll * Maintaining the extra flavour is not much extra work, and not comparable to e. g. the -ti-omap4 kernel which is an entirely separate source tree * We need a way to prevent upgrades for non-PAE systems. Some options were mentioned: * Add update-manager check to not offer the upgrade if PAE is not available * Add libc6/linux preinst to abort the upgrade early if PAE is not available; that's not the best failure mode, but will prevent a safety net for users of `apt-get dist-upgrade` * '''Agreements''': * Switch precise over to PAE kernel by default on i386; we retain the option to revert if it causes too much fallout (Colin) * Drop non-PAE flavour in 12.10; this will give non-PAE systems another 5 years of life time, which is considered enough * Further discuss upgrade strategy/checks * Micro release Exception for Nova, Swift, Glance, and Keystone * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-November/001142.html * deferred to discussion by email, as we ran out of time * Next meeting: * Skipping the December 26 meeting due to Christmas holidays * Next on 2012-01-09 * Chair: Matt Zimmerman