== Agenda == Agenda: * Mago pending merges * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~eeejay/mago/blacklist/+merge/10271|Skip test cases]] * Mago merged changes * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~mikefletcher/mago/gnome-screenshot/+merge/10684|gnome-screenshot]] - Thanks mikefletcher! * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~jtatum/mago/pidgin-exception/+merge/10774|Checking imports]] - Thanks jtatum! * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~jtatum/mago/gconf/+merge/10945|GConf wrapper]] - Thanks jtatum! * Mago packaging * Daily Builds update - jcollado * Mago roadmap * Should this be on the mago wiki or should this be in the LP roadmap system? - jtatum == Notes == === Pending merges === * The SKIP change seems quite important and needed. Open for merging === Mago PPA === * Mago will have regular updates to the PPA at [[https://launchpad.net/~mago-contributors/+archive/ppa]] with both the framework and tests for Karmic and Jaunty * One possibility is having a dedicated build machine for daily PPAs * ACTION: ara to follow-up with james_w about the build machine * ACTION: jtatum to add a wiki page with the process of adding new Mago dependencies === Mago roadmap === * It is agreed that we are going to use Wiki+Bug reports for small features and Wiki+Blueprints for larger features. == Logs == {{{ [17:31] Hello all :-) [17:31] Hi. [17:31] Anybody for the automated testing meeting= [17:31] ? [17:32] Hmm. Might be a quick meeting. I was just going to lurk. [17:32] mikefletcher, hehe [17:33] eeejay, jtatum, cgregan ? [17:33] marjo, ? [17:33] hi! [17:33] Well, we are not many, but growing ;-) [17:33] Let's start [17:34] [TOPIC] Mago pending merges [17:34] * [17:34] Skip test cases [17:34] I haven't had the time to review this merge request. Have you? [17:35] While people answer, I would like to thank mikefletcher and jtatum for their contributions [17:35] Thanks guys! You rock! [17:35] No problem. [17:36] I have reviewed it. It looks pretty great, especially for test development. The long term broken tests cases is a good one as well [17:37] jtatum, OK, I don't know if I will have time to review in the mean time, but the merge comments look good. I will ask jcollado to merge the changes [17:37] [TOPIC] Mago packaging [17:37] * Daily Builds update - jcollado [17:38] Reproducing jcollado comments, as he couldn't attend [17:39] The basic idea is that I wanted a jaunty package to make easier to run tests on [17:39] different machines without having to deal with bazaar. Hence, I created mago [17:39] and mago-test packages. [17:39] mago package should contain the same files as in karmic, while mago-test [17:39] should contain all the test cases in trunk. Otherwise, please let me know. Since [17:39] both packages are generated using the latest version in trunk, I've also made [17:39] them available for karmic just in case someone finds it useful. [17:39] Despite I'm interested in using reasonably up-to-date packages, I'm not exactly [17:39] looking for generating them on a daily basis so I'll upload new versions [17:39] periodically depending on the amount of changes in trunk. [17:39] I think this is great, thanks jcollado [17:40] +1 [17:40] I was talking to james_w to see if we could have a machine to have fully automated builds [17:40] I will keep you guys posted about this [17:41] I guess I have a question about adding dependencies. As we merge them in, should we propose merges to the packaging? [17:42] jtatum, sure, you can request merges into jcollado branches (I will ask him to change the ownership to mago-contributors) [17:42] or use the karmic code at [17:42] * ara checks [17:43] https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mago [17:43] OK, great. I'll make an action item to note this process on the Wiki somewhere. As you mentioned on the mailing list, there's a distinction between requires and suggests depending on whether it's 'core mago' or part of a test [17:44] jtatum, yes, I think it is best like that [17:44] jtatum, if not, mago will end with one of the packages with the longest dependencies in Ubuntu :D [17:44] haha [17:45] jtatum, can you take that as an action? [17:46] jtatum, to write a page about that process in the mago wiki? [17:46] ara: yes. [17:46] jtatum, cool [17:46] jtatum, last item [17:46] [TOPIC] Mago roadmap [17:46] * Should this be on the mago wiki or should this be in the LP roadmap system? - jtatum [17:47] I think that a combination of both should work better [17:47] This is just my ignorance probably. I have only skimmed the LP roadmap system so I'm probably just not aware of the challenges. [17:48] blueprints in launchpad are not that useful for small features [17:49] we can use a combination of wiki (to have a common place to go) + links to bugs for small features, or blueprints for large features [17:50] OK. Sounds good. [17:50] Good [17:50] any other topics? [17:51] OK, I think we can wrap up [17:51] I will send the notes to the list [17:51] thanks! [17:51] fyi, i'm going add a Tomboy Test Suite to the roadmap and write my name beside it. [17:51] mikefletcher, nice! }}}