
Perform structured testing of the Ubuntu desktop on the Live CD or post-install. These steps should be followed during the distro-specific part of ../LiveCDSession, ../LiveCDInstall or ../AlternateInstall.


Live session testing

  1. Examples folder

    • Click on the example files and confirm that the appropriate applications start correctly.
    • A bug about the actual content of the files should be reported about the package example-content
    • A bug when viewing the example content should be submitted about the application used
  2. Nautilus

    • Click on the places menu select Home Folder

    • In Home Folder right click on a blank section and create a folder called test.

    • Still in Home Folder right click again and select Create Document -> Empty File. Name the resulting file moveme.txt.

    • Drag moveme.txt and drop into the folder test.

    • Right click on test and select Move to Trash. Check that waste appears in the bin bottom right of the screen.

  3. Desktop effects

    • Test if compiz is running by pressing SUPER (windows key)+ e at the same time. You will see two desktops side by side if it is running.
    • Open the Example Documents and play the "Experience ubuntu.ogg" and see if that playing works
    • Press ALT+F2 and type "glxgears" and see if it works
    • Watch out for screen artifacts
      • Please report any problems you observe and include some details of the problem and the files "~/.xsession-errors" and the output of "lspci -vvnn"

Post-install testing

Extended post-install testing

  1. Installing and testing Thunderbird.

    • Open Applications -> Add/Remove...

    • Select All available applications from the drop down box top right.

    • Click in the search box at the top and type Thunderbird.

    • Click on the check box next to the text Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News.

    • Click Apply Changes Lower right.

    • Click on Apply to install.

    • Open Thunderbird from the Applications/Internet section.
    • Fill in the details of your email account
    • Send a test mail to a second email account and confirm receipt.
    • If you have an GPG/PGP Key add Enigimail from Applications/Add/Remove. Now restart Thunderbird and try sending a signed email.
    • Save a draft mail and confirm that it can be opened, edited and sent
    • Delete a mail.

Testing/Cases/UbuntuDesktop (last edited 2008-10-29 13:33:07 by cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust993)