This page is for brainstorming on future projects of ThaiTeam. = Install Fest = I (Chris) think an InstallFest could be fun. I suggest we read LoCoRunningInstallfests if we plan to do this. We can install Linux on as many computers as possible - usually that is every computer we see that is not broken - in one day. We will do everything possible to make sure everyone who brings a computer is happy with all changes when they leave. We can install new OSes and software, fix Linux installs, and configure special hardware and peripherals (networking, cf/sd/mmc/etc/etc readers, mp3, camera, video, audio, USB toys, bluetooth, phones, etc). === When is everyone available? === I (Chris) am available the 3rd or 4th Saturday in January, or any Saturday in February, starting at earliest 10:00. === How can we help? === I (Chris) can set up networking and servers, and make maps for the InstallFest. I also can install or fix, talk about, etc Ubuntu Linux on laptop and desktop computers for this event. === Where can we do this? === I don't know. Anyone have a suggestion? If you have ideas, or can help install or help in any other way, please reply on here. = Ubuntu LPI Exam = Ubuntu and [[|LPI]] have an Ubuntu Certified Professional certification program. We can get people together to study, and to take the exam. The price listed is $100 (about 3500-3700 THB). Maybe if we have a big event and have many people take the exam at one time we can get a discount!