= The Funky Feisty Competition = '''The winners have been notified of their successful entries. This included: * Winner - Group - http://www.flickr.com/photos/programad/498214104/ * Runner-Up - Group - http://www.flickr.com/photos/7841307@N06/504711263/ * Winner - Individual - http://www.flickr.com/photos/8374453@N02/504565357/ * Runner-Up - Individual - http://www.flickr.com/photos/pchee/484577880/''' To celebrate the incredible release of Ubuntu 7.04 The Feisty Fawn, we are challenging the also incredible worldwide Ubuntu community to take part in an...incredible competition! The competition is simple - take a picture of yourself or your group (LoCo team, LUG, family, class or any other group) celebrating the release of Feisty in an interesting way. Not only can you get your incredible photos online, but you can also win some prizes too! To get you started, here are some PDF files of the Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu logos for you to print out and use in the competition: * Ubuntu - [[attachment:ubuntu.pdf]] * Kubuntu - [[attachment:kubuntu.pdf]] * Edubuntu - [[attachment:edubuntu.pdf]] Read on for how to get involved... == If you are an individual == The task is simple - ''upload a picture of yourself with a logo from one of the Ubuntu family of distributions that has had a Feisty release.'' Be inventive! How about a picture of you in front of a famous landmark? Maybe be in the fancy dress of a well known Ubuntu contributor? Use your imagination - the most interesting pictures win! In this competition the first prize wins '''$500USD, signed Feisty CD by Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu t-shirt, Ubuntu book''' and the runner-up wins '''$250, Ubuntu t-shirt, Ubuntu book''' so get snapping! === How to enter === * You need to make sure you are holding the logo of one of the distributions from the Ubuntu family (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu etc) that has had a Feisty release. * Upload your photo to flickr and give it the tag `feistyphotocompetitionindividual` No more entries will be considered after 23.59 UTC on May 19th 2007. ==== Rules ==== * Your entry must include a logo from one of the Ubuntu family of distributions that has had a Feisty release - this logo must be clearly visible. It does not need to be one of the provided PDFs, but the logo must be clearly visible. * No more than two people can be in the photo. * Only correctly tagged photos will be considered. * The person who owns the flickr account that submits the photo will be the person who receives any prizes. * All winners will be notified by either Flickr Mail or the email address associated with their Flickr profile. * Offensive and/or abusive submissions will not be considered. == If you are a group == The task is simple - ''upload a picture of your group recreating one of the logos from the Ubuntu family of distributions that has had a Feisty release.'' Be inventive! Why not recreate the Ubuntu logo with a number of people laid on a large playing field? Why not recreate the Kubuntu logo with playing cards? Why not recreate the Edubuntu logo with school books? Use your imagination - the most interesting pictures win! In this competition the first prize wins '''$500USD, signed Feisty CD by Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu t-shirt, Ubuntu book''' and the runner-up wins '''$250, Ubuntu t-shirt, Ubuntu book''' so get snapping! === How to enter === * You need to make sure you are holding the logo of of one of the distributions from the Ubuntu family (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu etc). * Upload your photo to flickr and give it the tag `feistyphotocompetitiongroup` No more entries will be considered after 23.59 UTC on May 19th 2007. ==== Rules ==== * The logo recreated must form the important parts of the logo, but does not need to be the full logo in exhaustive detail. As an example, you may only want to recreate the red, orange and brown circle in the Ubuntu and not include the text. * A group of people (three or more) must be present in the photo. * Only correctly tagged photos will be considered. * The person who owns the flickr account that submits the photo will be the person who receives any prizes. * All winners will be notified by either Flickr Mail or the email address associated with their Flickr profile. * Offensive and/or abusive submissions will not be considered. == Terms and Conditions == * Entries that do not meet the competition rules will not be considered for winning. * No more entries will be considered after 23.59 UTC on May 19th. * Winners are judged by the Community Council. * All decisions are final. * Offensive and/or abusive submissions will not be considered. * All cash prizes in US dollars. * Terms and conditions can be changed or modified without prior notice.