#REDIRECT Teams To read about ways you can get involved with the Ubuntu Community (there are many ways for people of all abilities!), please see [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate|this page]]. Thanks, and have fun!! * Ubuntu Board Meetings: * [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/techboard|Ubuntu Technical Board]] meets twice a month, see its next TechnicalBoardAgenda * [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/council|Ubuntu Community Council]] meets twice a month, see its next CommunityCouncilAgenda * Ubuntu Around the World: * LoCoTeamList - Local Community Teams. Join, or start one in your area! * UbuntuWorldWide - A map of Ubuntu Users around the world! * [[Rosetta]] - Translate Ubuntu in your language! * [[http://www.ubuntu-forums.nl]] - Dutch community - dutch ubuntuguide, dutch kubuntuguide * UbuntuLove - regular days dedicated to helping you get involved * UbuntuMembers. See also, [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember|New Member Process]] * [[http://www.ubuntu-women.org|Ubuntu-Women]] * UbuntuDevelopment - docs for developers * DocumentationTeam and [[DocumentationTeamFAQ]] - docs for documenters * UbuntuTeams - these are the teams that work on every aspect of Ubuntu * [[Accessibility/Team|AccessibilityTeam]] * ArtTeam * DesktopTeam * DocumentationTeam * InstallerTeam * KernelTeam * [[Kubuntu]] * [[Edubuntu]] * [[Xubuntu]] * LaptopTestingTeam * [[MOTU]] - Masters of the Universe * ServerTeam * TranslationTeam * EmbeddedTeam * MarketingTeam * CategoryHomepage - A list of all the personal pages on the wiki that are marked in the Homepage category.