## page was renamed from MembershipTemplate ##master-page:MembershipTemplate #format wiki #language en ||<>|| == About Me == I'm a long-time linux enthusiast and gnome-shell fan, that spends my free time, messing around with GNOME (on Ubuntu, of course). I am one of the core developers working on the Ubuntu GNOME. == Contact Information == || IRC || darkxst || || GTalk/Jabber || darkxst@jabber.org.au || || Email || tim@feathertop.org || == Contributions == Ubuntu GNOME Technical Lead. Upstream GNOME work on gnome-shell, gdm and related package, particularly in areas related to Ubuntu/GNOME integration. GNOME foundation member == Future Goals == See that gnome-shell becomes a first class supported DE on Ubuntu. == Testimonials == If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.