

  • Formatter module supporting pydoc2 - contains classes for walking the data structures, and generating output as appropriate

    23 Mar - using the new analyser module

    • 23 Mar - using the new analyser module

No functions defined within this module


formatterError Class

formatter.formatterError( msg)

Derived From :BaseException


  • formatterError.args Read Only

    formatterError.message Read Only

InvalidDictionaryError Class

formatter.InvalidDictionaryError( msg)

Derived From :formatterError


  • InvalidDictionaryError.args Read Only

    InvalidDictionaryError.message Read Only

DataWalker Class

formatter.DataWalker( options=None)

  • Base class to walk the various entries in the data for a single module
    • This is subclassed by Formatter classes


  • DataWalker.TraverseProperty( prop, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    DataWalker.TraverseFunction( func, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    DataWalker.TraverseClass( cls, depth=1)

    DataWalker.TraverseModule( depth=1)

HtmlFormatter Class

formatter.HtmlFormatter( module='', directory='', error='', options=None, autoclose=True, OutputStream='stdout')

Derived From :DataWalker

  • Format the data as a html page
    • OutputStream : Must be a fileType object - for instance an open file or a StringIO
      module : the absolute filename of the module to be displayed
      directory : the absolute path of the directory to be displayed
      error : A dictionary with details of the error to be displayed
      options : The options namescpace created from parse-arg
      autoclose : Whether the formatter should automatically close the file when finished.
      Where the OutputStream is StringIO this will probably need to be false.


  • HtmlFormatter.TraverseProperty( prop, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    HtmlFormatter.TraverseFunction( func, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    HtmlFormatter.TraverseClass( cls, depth=1)

    HtmlFormatter.TraverseModule( depth=1)


    HtmlFormatter.ErrorReport( dict)

    HtmlFormatter.ModuleError( module)

    HtmlFormatter.ModuleHeader( module)

    HtmlFormatter.ModuleFooter( module)



    HtmlFormatter.ClassSectionHeader( depth)

    HtmlFormatter.NoClassesPresent( depth=1)

    HtmlFormatter.ClassSectionFooter( depth)

    HtmlFormatter.FunctionSectionHeader( depth)

    HtmlFormatter.NoFunctionsPresent( depth=1)

    HtmlFormatter.FunctionSectionFooter( depth)

    HtmlFormatter.ClassHeader( cls)

    HtmlFormatter.ClassFooter( cls)

    HtmlFormatter.formatModule( module, depth=1)

    HtmlFormatter.formatClass( cls, depth)



    HtmlFormatter.formatProperty( property, depth)

    HtmlFormatter.formatFunction( function, depth, line=False, method=False)

TextFormatter Class

formatter.TextFormatter( absfilename, options=None)

Derived From :DataWalker

  • Generates Text format for a single module
    • absfile - the file name for the module
      options : opttions passed by the command line


  • TextFormatter.TraverseProperty( prop, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    TextFormatter.TraverseFunction( func, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    TextFormatter.TraverseClass( cls, depth=1)

    TextFormatter.TraverseModule( depth=1)

    TextFormatter.ModuleHeader( module) Any header before the module starts

    TextFormatter.ModuleFooter( module) Processing once the end of the Module is reached.

    TextFormatter.ClassHeader( dict)

    TextFormatter.ClassFooter( dict)



    TextFormatter.ClassSectionHeader( depth)

    TextFormatter.FunctionSectionHeader( depth)

    TextFormatter.FunctionSectionFooter( depth)

    TextFormatter.formatModule( module, depth=1)

    TextFormatter.formatClass( cls, depth)

    TextFormatter.formatFunction( function, depth, line=False, method=False)

WikiFormatter Class

formatter.WikiFormatter( module='', directory='', error='', options=None, autoclose=True, OutputStream='stdout')

Derived From :DataWalker

  • Format the data as a html page
    • OutputStream : Must be a fileType object - for instance an open file or a StringIO
      module : the absolute filename of the module to be displayed
      directory : the absolute path of the directory to be displayed
      error : A dictionary with details of the error to be displayed
      options : The options namescpace created from parse-arg
      autoclose : Whether the formatter should automatically close the file when finished.
      Where the OutputStream is StringIO this will probably need to be false.

      Currently - does not need to support the directoy or error formats - may support directory/Package in future.


  • WikiFormatter.TraverseProperty( prop, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    WikiFormatter.TraverseFunction( func, depth=1, line=False, method=False)

    WikiFormatter.TraverseClass( cls, depth=1)

    WikiFormatter.TraverseModule( depth=1)

    WikiFormatter.Directory() Not supported by a wiki page as yet

    WikiFormatter.ErrorReport( dict) Definitely not needed by a wiki

    WikiFormatter.ModuleError( module) Not needed by a wiki

    WikiFormatter.ModuleHeader( module)

    WikiFormatter.ModuleFooter( module)


    WikiFormatter.ClassSectionHeader( depth)

    WikiFormatter.NoClassesPresent( depth=1)

    WikiFormatter.FunctionSectionHeader( depth)

    WikiFormatter.NoFunctionsPresent( depth=1)

    WikiFormatter.FunctionSectionFooter( depth)

    WikiFormatter.ClassHeader( cls)

    WikiFormatter.ClassFooter( cls)

    WikiFormatter.formatModule( module, depth=1)

    WikiFormatter.formatClass( cls, depth)


    WikiFormatter.formatProperty( property, depth)

    WikiFormatter.formatFunction( function, depth, line=False, method=False)

pager Class


  • pager class Encapsulates all the good stuff we need in a pager - Used by the Text formatter class only


  • text) Passes the text to the appropriate pager

    The first time this is called, determine what kind of pager to use.

    pager.bold( text) Format a string in bold by overstriking.

TimeWarp/formatter (last edited 2014-04-06 09:20:33 by host217-42-218-163)