About Me

Name: Kenneth Nielsen

Age: 29

Occupation: PhD-student at the Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF) at the Institue of Physics on the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). M.Sc. in Applied Physics.

Open source work

My work in the open source community involve mainly around translations and a little bit of bug work. The translations mainly involve translating Gnome software into Danish. I have made contributions to a lot of modules in the gnome desktop. Lately I have been focusing my efforts more into providing proofreading.

Contact Info

Ircnick: TLE

I am usually present in #ubuntu-dk #ubuntu-translators and #dansk-gruppen on irc.freenode.org and #i18n on irc.gnome.org

ICQ: 161902552

AIM: Tle577

Email: k.nielsen81@gmail.com


Tle (last edited 2010-10-16 01:15:28 by 0x4dd74f9a)