## page was renamed from Home #title Ubuntu Team Wiki ## ## PLEASE DO NOT EDIT/DELETE OR RENAME THIS PAGE (unless you are already part of the Ubuntu project and know what you're doing). ##This Home Page, not your own personal home page. It is for the specific use as a landing Home Page for the Ubuntu Community's Team Wiki. Regardless of whether you are at http://wiki.kubuntu.org or http://wiki.ubuntu.com, the documents are all the same; just different themes. ##If you are a member of a LoCo Team and would like this Home Page in your own language, you are certainly welcome to create your own version, but we ask that you please develop the translated version within your LoCo Team's own documents. This is currently the English version. ##Currently, there are no SOPs for editing this page, so anyone can, and sometimes do, make changes to this page. ##This current version is in response to [[Home/PageDiscussion]]. @-- [[LaunchpadHome:marc-kaplan]] <>@ <> {{attachment:IconsPage/stop.png}} '''STOP''' If you are looking for ''user help'' related documentation you are looking in the wrong place; this site is for Ubuntu teams to collaborate. Please go to the [[https://help.ubuntu.com | Official Help Documentation]] or [[http://www.ubuntu.com/support/CommunitySupport | Community Support]] to find support information. If you want to help create or improve existing support documentation or to improve Ubuntu then you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn how. = Getting Involved = You have just taken your first step toward getting involved. Before you get started, we ask that you please observe the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]], it's not very long and it will help you get started. Now that's done. To find out the best way to get started, you should check out our community page at: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/. === Teams === The [[Teams]] page contains a listing of all the various Community Teams, links to their Wiki Home Pages and who the best person to contact is. * Accessibility * [[Artwork]] * Community * Distributions * Hardware * [[marketing|Marketing and Advocacy]] * Quality Assurance and Packaging * Software Developers * Support and Documentation * Training Most Teams' Wiki Home Pages provide information about who they are, what they do, when their meetings are and how to contact them. Using these pages, teammates are able communicate and coordinate projects. === Governance and Membership === Like most communities, we have our [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | rules]] and [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes | governing body]]. Anyone can join and participate in most, if not all, of our Teams and Projects. But if you want an ''"@ubuntu.com"'' e-mail address, it has to be earned. Find out how in our [[Membership]] section. === Community Links === As an active member of our community, you probably should check out what else is going on in the world of Ubuntu: * [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com | The Fridge]] posts all the latest News and Upcoming Events * [[http://planet.ubuntu.com/ | Planet Ubuntu]] is a collection of community blogs Also you can help at [[http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ | Ubuntu Brainstorm]] by submitting your ideas to make Ubuntu better OS for everyone. === Releases === This is '''THE''' definitive place for members of the Ubuntu community to discuss ideas and store team-related information. |||||||| '''Released (Current & Stable)''' || || [[DapperDrake|Dapper Drake]] || 6.06 LTS || June 1, 2006 || Supported until June 2011 (Server) || || [[HardyHeron|Hardy Heron]] || 8.04 LTS || April 24, 2008 || Supported until April 2011 (Desktop) or April 2013 (Server) || || [[KarmicKoala|Karmic Koala]] ||9.10||October 29, 2009|| Supported until April 2011|| || [[LucidLynx|Lucid Lynx]] || 10.04 LTS || April 29, 2010|| Supported until April 2013 (Desktop) or Supported until April 2015 (Server)|| || [[MaverickMeerkat|Maverick Meerkat]] || 10.10 || October 10, 2010|| Supported until April 2012 || || '''To be Released''' || '''Version''' || '''Release Schedule''' || '''Support Date''' || || [[NattyNarwhal|Natty Narwhal]] || 11.04 || April 2011 || Supported until October 2012 || For the '''FULL''' Release Information, go to the [[Releases]] page. ---- CategoryCommunityCouncil