== About Me == I am a student currently attending [[http://www.metrostate.edu/|Metropolitan State University]], studying computer forensics. Previously I spent time in the Physics department at Trent University and the Concurrent Education program with Queen's University (both in Ontario, Canada), and completed a computer networking degree at Saint Paul College here in Minnesota. == Contact Info == '''Launchpad profile''': https://launchpad.net/~tonyyarusso '''IRC''': tonyyarusso on freenode, also in ##tonyyarusso '''E-Mail''': tonyyarusso@gmail.com '''GTalk''': tonyyarusso@gmail.com '''AIM''': tonyyarusso '''MSN''': tonyyarusso@earthlink.net '''PGP Key ID''': [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x5E1E6F1A&op=index|5E1E6F1A]] == Other Web Presences (aka My Links) == [[http://tonyyarusso.com/|Blog]] == Contributions == I can be regularly found in ##tonyyarusso, #ubuntu-us-mn, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu+1, and #ubuntu-ca, both asking questions and answering others', with varying activity levels (some I mostly watch, others I'm more active in). I also keep summarized logs of answers to many of my questions, for ready retrieval when someone else has the same one (and my own use!). (You can see some of my activity by [[http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Airclogs.ubuntu.com%20tonyyarusso&tbs=rltm:1|Googling logs]].) In December 2006 I was invited to help as a member of the [[https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-irc|IRC team]], and accepted. I have answered [[https://answers.launchpad.net/people/tonyyarusso/+tickets|support requests on Launchpad]], and frequently use the Wiki, and make contributions and corrections where it seems fitting on that (mostly small stuff here and there). I wrote the second page of a letter (now obsolete) which was designed for inclusion with ShipIt CDs being handed out to people with no prior knowledge of Ubuntu or Linux, distributed through the Marketing Team. On 19 November 2006 I taught a [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts#Class%208:%20GPG%20Encryption%20and%20Signing|class on GPG encryption and signing]] in the [[Classroom]]. I helped out in the Classroom during UbuntuOpenWeek, mostly by changing the topic for the current session since everyone was so well behaved. Way to go everybody! I have worked on the UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter, Issues [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue19|19]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue22|22]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue28|28]], and [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue29|29]]. In later issues I worked on the "Beats" of Security announcements and In the Press. I've added some [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/people/tonyyarusso/+specs?role=registrant|specifications]], although many still need full Wiki page write-ups when I have the time. I did a series on my blog a while back relating to open source software alternatives, as a lead-up to Dapper release. My main target audience is Windows users who have never used anything else, and I hope to raise general awareness, and ideally get a few to try at least cross-platform FOSS apps, or hopefully even Ubuntu Linux itself. On that note, I do take the stance that it's okay to dual-boot, and stress that possible new users do not have to leave their Windows comfort zone unless they decide later that they want to. My primary goal is to make people aware and get them to try things; I am confident that they will make the decision to switch later largely on their own accord as I work with them to point out the numerous advantages and they become reassured that this is a usable alternative for them. More discontinuous blog posts have followed, and I hope to do another series type thing soon. I've started work towards getting an Ojibwe translation of Ubuntu going. It will likely be a slow process and take a lot of work, but it's been exciting so far to see interest from a few people. I'm hoping to get a formal announcement out asking for volunteers in coming months, and am currently looking for help putting together a document explaining what Ubuntu and FLOSS translation is all about to people who have never encountered it, if even a computer, before. I also did the original work to package KompoZer and get it into the Ubuntu archives. (KompoZer being the bugfix replacement for the Nvu web publishing tool.) The package has since been adopted upstream in Debian, as so is maintained in Ubuntu mostly through the normal sync processes. I am also now serving as the leader of the MinnesotaTeam LoCo, which is finally getting going nicely. == Things to come (ie my Ubuntu future) == Continuing the translation effort <
> Writing up my specifications more formally <
> Expanding the MinnesotaTeam Hopefully being able to work with Ubuntu more in a professional setting as well, in a systems and network administration type of role. == Linux and Me (personal background) == I came to Linux from a long background of other OSs, including a Commodore 64, DOS, Old World Macintosh, and every MS Windows from 3.1 through XP. After getting frustrated with Windows, and with the new concept of buying my own computer, which I would then have full control over rather than it being a shared family one, I starting thinking about other options. I had heard of Linux, but honestly had never seen it in use. So I hit up Google. I was tentative about the concept, so not looking for anything with significant investment, which ruled out all "Enterprise" editions. When I found out that Ubuntu was free, and would even ship to me for free, I figured I'd hit gold, and would try it out. I had. ShipIt came through and I installed Ubuntu Linux for the first time in August 2005. I started with Hoary (5.04), and have used each version on up to the present. == Follow-up == For a broader view of me, just hit up Google for [[http://www.google.com/search?q=tonyyarusso|my nick]] and [[http://www.google.com/search?q=tony+yarusso|my name]]. If you'd like to know more, have a question about Ubuntu or an app, or whatever, contact me by any of the means listed above, and I'll see you in #ubuntu! ---- CategoryHomepage