
Revision 2 as of 2014-02-14 15:54:06

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Warning /!\ Ubuntu Touch is no longer maintained as a core product by Canonical. However, the Ubports community are continuing development.

Clock Spec

User story #1

As a user I want to see the time in multiple locations so I can schedule global meetings with my team

Functional Definition

  • Method for storing multiple timezones of importance to the user
  • One timezone should be the primary - usually current location


  • Display multiple clocks (phone)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design phone.png

  • Display multiple clocks (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Display multiple clocks (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #2

As a user I want to see all upcoming alarms so I can plan my day

Functional Definition

  • Method for storing alarms and retrieving all upcoming alarms
  • Method for dynamically adjusting the list of alarms as times pass


  • Multiple alarm display (phone)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design phone.png

  • Multiple alarm display (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Multiple alarm display (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png