<> <> This page is for tracking the status of Autopilot test setup and test coverage for the Core Apps. Bug reports will contain the specific testcases needed and status for each core application. = Contributing a testcase = Read the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing/ContributeAutopilotTestcase|guide to contributing an autopilot testcase]] for a core application. You'll learn how to find a needed test, assign yourself to the work and contribute it back to the project. In addition, check out the [[Touch/CoreApps/Testing/IntroductionWorkshop|log from an automated testing workshop session]], as well as the growing [[Touch/CoreApps/Testing/FAQ|FAQ]]. = Testing Status = == Jenkins == [[Touch/CoreApps/Jenkins|Each testsuite is intended to be run before every commit via jenkins]]. When you propose a merge you will see the jenkins bot report results as a comment. == All tests needed == [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=needs-autopilot-test|Tests needed for all the ubuntu core apps]] == Status by application == Launchpad bug lists should be considered the definitive source of status for coverage for each application. If you see a missing test, file a bug and consider adding it!