#title #ubuntu-phone: Twitter app ||<>|| = 2013-02-20 = Meeting started by mhall119 at 18:37:38 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-phone/2013/ubuntu-phone.2013-02-20-18.37.log.html . == Meeting summary == *progress review ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Twitter (mhall119, 18:38:32) ''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app/+spec/initial-twitter-development (mhall119, 18:38:41) *Work Items ''ACTION:'' jaakko_kui to self-assign work items (mhall119, 18:48:24) ''ACTION:'' fmunozs to self-assign work items (mhall119, 18:48:31) ''ACTION:'' KevinWright Email the ubuntu-twitter-dev team, ask each member to assign themselves to 2 work items (mhall119, 18:49:30) *Testing ''ACTION:'' KevinWright send email to ubuntu-twitter-dev providing information on testing (mhall119, 18:51:43) *other Q&A Meeting ended at 18:55:07 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * jaakko_kui to self-assign work items * fmunozs to self-assign work items * KevinWright Email the ubuntu-twitter-dev team, ask each member to assign themselves to 2 work items * KevinWright send email to ubuntu-twitter-dev providing information on testing == Action items, by person == * fmunozs * fmunozs to self-assign work items * jaakko_kui * jaakko_kui to self-assign work items * KevinWright * KevinWright Email the ubuntu-twitter-dev team, ask each member to assign themselves to 2 work items * KevinWright send email to ubuntu-twitter-dev providing information on testing == People present (lines said) == * KevinWright (42) * mhall119 (34) * jaakko_kui (16) * fmunozs (8) * meetingology (7) == Full Log == 18:37:38 #startmeeting Twitter app 18:37:38 Meeting started Wed Feb 20 18:37:38 2013 UTC. The chair is mhall119. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 18:37:38 18:37:38 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 18:37:54 I have read them once 18:37:58 #topic progress review 18:38:00 mhall119: thanks 18:38:32 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Twitter 18:38:40 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: If there are any questions about any of the info please don't hesitate to ask myself or mhall119 18:38:41 #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app/+spec/initial-twitter-development 18:38:56 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: mhall119 is pasting some of the links now 18:39:03 thanks 18:39:07 ok 18:39:11 those are links wo the wiki spec page and the blueprint 18:39:21 the work items for the initial development are listed at the bottom of the Blueprint 18:39:29 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Are there any questions you had on your mind we can help answer? 18:39:52 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: We can discuss the project specifics in a moment 18:40:29 has everybody been able to install the SDK and grab a copy of the app's branch? 18:40:37 and get that running 18:40:54 yes, Qt5 and SDK running on Ubuntu 12.10 18:41:14 i have sdk, but not apps branch yet 18:41:16 and did you bzr branch lp:ubuntu-twitter-app? 18:41:24 jaakko_kui: ^^ do that 18:41:29 ok 18:41:35 mhall119: Maybe you can answer a question for me actually 18:41:46 then you can either run it from QtCreator, or just run "qmlscene twitter.qml" from inside the directory 18:42:42 ok 18:42:44 KevinWright: sure? 18:42:59 mhall119: Did someone already do some work towards a Twitter client? 18:43:16 mhall119: I thought someone mentioned it to me before. 18:43:30 there was a twitter app written in Qt4, gatox and mandel wrote it before the SDK was released 18:43:44 I think they're on the team for this version too 18:43:59 mhall119: OK so it may or may not be useful for us here 18:44:06 I'm sure some of it will be useful 18:44:12 mhall119: OK cool 18:44:13 how much, I can't say 18:44:24 mhall119: OK, we can check on it later 18:44:31 mhall119: Thanks 18:44:32 any other progress updates? 18:44:55 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Did you have a chance to look at the work items that were proposed? 18:45:06 #topic Work Items 18:45:20 mhall119: thanks again 18:45:23 :) 18:45:24 yes 18:45:45 there are 13 work items currently on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app/+spec/initial-twitter-development 18:45:49 fmunozs: Did you have a chance to see them? 18:45:59 KevinWright, you mean the functional requirements? 18:46:04 we need to get those assigned to members of the team 18:46:25 I see them now 18:46:34 fmunozs: mhall119 pasted a link to the work items, but they are from the functional requirements 18:46:52 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Take a look and volunteer yourself for something that sounds interesting to you 18:47:06 I can do test related tasks 18:47:18 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: at the start of the line in the blueprint put your Launchpad ID in [] brackets 18:47:38 jaakko_kui: Cool. Testing is very important 18:48:02 So the format will be [you-lp-id] This is a work item: TODO 18:48:08 ok 18:48:22 yea, just noticed pretty much the same, I don't see anything about sharing stuff from other applications, I saw in the tablet announcement there will be a sharing framework, right? somebody else will take care of that? 18:48:23 fmunozs: Anything there look interesting? 18:48:24 #action jaakko_kui to self-assign work items 18:48:24 * meetingology jaakko_kui to self-assign work items 18:48:31 #action fmunozs to self-assign work items 18:48:31 * meetingology fmunozs to self-assign work items 18:48:43 who can email the rest of the team and ask them to each take 2 work items? 18:49:06 mhall119: I can do that. I already sent one or two about this topic. 18:49:30 #action KevinWright Email the ubuntu-twitter-dev team, ask each member to assign themselves to 2 work items 18:49:30 * meetingology KevinWright Email the ubuntu-twitter-dev team, ask each member to assign themselves to 2 work items 18:49:33 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Also don't be shy about suggesting new work items 18:49:44 ok 18:49:51 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Or modifying the wording, expanding details etc. 18:49:52 yeah, these aren't set in stone, we can add/remove and reassign as needed 18:50:00 they are just there to keep things on track 18:50:19 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Some of what I put in there was done quite quickly and might not read like a proper work item 18:50:25 ok I will see the items and select one today 18:50:39 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: I'll fix them up, but we need some additional detail in many cases 18:50:48 any guide etc for the test documents ? 18:50:49 fmunozs: great! 18:51:06 jaakko_kui: Let me send an email about testing 18:51:12 # Testing 18:51:16 great 18:51:17 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Testing is an important topic that everyone should know about 18:51:17 #topic Testing 18:51:43 #action KevinWright send email to ubuntu-twitter-dev providing information on testing 18:51:43 * meetingology KevinWright send email to ubuntu-twitter-dev providing information on testing 18:51:45 One more time for the meeting bot :) Testing is an important topic that everyone should know about 18:52:10 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: I would like to send something to all the app devs on all teams about this 18:52:23 ok 18:52:28 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: OK we have just a few minutes left 18:52:44 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Any final questions for today? 18:53:07 nope :) 18:53:10 #topic other Q&A 18:53:10 no, I'm ok 18:53:15 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: I'm available any time by email of course, or IRC (this week I am not on very often, but next week back on a regular schedule) 18:53:20 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Alright great! 18:53:27 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Thanks for joining today 18:53:34 ok bye! 18:53:37 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: I'm looking forward to working with you both! 18:53:40 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Cheers! 18:53:41 I'm also available if you guys have any questions about using bzr or Launchpad 18:53:54 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Yes mhall119 is also there for you 18:54:01 good! 18:54:17 Thanks 18:54:24 (sorry mhall119, forgot to add that in!) 18:54:37 jaakko_kui, fmunozs: Bye all! 18:54:48 bye 18:54:52 Thanks mhall119 for the meeting help 18:54:59 alright, thanks everyone 18:55:07 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)