## page was renamed from UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/Twitter <> = Twitter = ||<>|| This web page is where we are coordinating the work to build a '''Twitter''' application for the Ubuntu Phone that could also extend to other form factors too with the responsive design features built into the [[http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/|Ubuntu SDK]] ||'''The Details'''|| || Launchpad Project || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app|ubuntu-twitter-app]] || || Launchpad Team || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-twitter-dev|ubuntu-twitter-dev]] || || IRC Channel || [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23ubuntu-touch|#ubuntu-touch]] on Freenode || || Blueprint || [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app/+spec/initial-twitter-development|initial-twitter-development]] || == Meetings == Meetings are held in the #ubuntu-touch channel on Freenode IRC. * Next Meeting: * TDB * Previous Meetings: * [[Touch/CoreApps/Twitter/Meetings#A2013-02-20|2013-02-20]] == User Stories == '''Note''': please don't add user stories here. We are defining these as a limited set to keep the scope more limited to get out a first version. * Must Have: I want to view all tweets of those I am following * Must Have: I want to view my tweets * Must Have: I want to create a new tweet or delete an existing one * Must Have: I want to see who is following me * Must Have: I want to see who I am following * Must Have: I want to view/modify my profile * Must Have: I want to discover new people to follow * Must Have: I want to view someone else’s individual profile and tweets * Must Have: I want to retweet something == Functional Requirements == '''Note''': likewise, please don't add functional requirements here. We are defining these as a limited set to keep the scope more limited to get out a first version. * Account management * Login * View my tweets in a list * View all tweets in a list (of those I am following) or only my own * View someone else’s profile and tweets * Retweet something from someone else * Search (people etc.) == Design == === How To Add Your Design === <> === Home Feed View === * Needed === Lists view === * Needed === List Feed view === * Needed === Profile view === * Needed === Follow user === * Needed === Profile Feed view === * Needed === Followers list === * Needed === Following List === * Needed === New Tweet === * Needed === Retweet === * Needed === Reply === * Needed === Search Tweets === * Needed === Search People === * Needed == Proposed Mockup == * Proposed mockup from [[http://www.saruneko.org/|Saruneko]] showing the different sections of the UI and the suggested transitions between each section: [[http://youtu.be/u_Gdazf44B8|Video]] == Implementation == This is where the spec will be.