||<tablestyle="float:right; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Table of Contents'''<<BR>> <<TableOfContents>>||

Libertine is a confined sandbox where you can install deb-packaged X11-based Ubuntu applications have have them run under Unity 8.

= Getting Libertine =

Libertine is available in the Ubuntu archives from Xenial Xerus (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) onwards, and has been backported to the derived version of Vivid Vervet (Ubuntu 15.04) used as a base for the Ubuntu Touch OS.

Libertine is not currently available as a click package for a Ubuntu Touch phone because it's a developer preview and not yet ready for general consumption.  If you've got the chops to install something on your phone in developer mode, you should be able to handle the instability of a developer-ready Libertine.

The Libertine tools are already installed on convergent devices running Ubuntu Touch, such as Bq's M10 tablet, and can be simply and easily installed from the Ubuntu archives using your favourite deb package installtion tool (apt-get, apttude, Ubuntu Software) on devices using classic Ubuntu.

== Minimal System requirements for Libertine ==

 * Libertine itself runs on any supported device, but most X11 applications work best on a system that supports external keyboards, mice, and displays.  Development testing has been done on a Nexus N4 and other devices.
 * Running an [[https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/image-channels/|image]] from rc-proposed for your particular device.
 * At least 500 MiB storage space for a container.

== Libertine on your Unity 8 device ==

=== Installation ===

==== On a Ubuntu Classic device (desktop, laptop) ====

If you are running the Unity8Desktop tech preview, you can also install Libertine. Just make sure your Unity 8 session is working, and follow the [[#nextSteps|Next Steps]] section. 

==== Next steps ====
 * Update, upgrade, and install required packages.{{{
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libertine libertine-scope xmir
 * On a Ubuntu Touch device, you will also need the following package installed.{{{
$ sudo apt-get install python3-libertine-chroot

{{{#!wiki warning
Ubuntu Touch images with the Puritine click installed need some extra work to get Libertine working.  If you want to experiment with that, contact a Libertine developer on the [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#ubuntu-libertine|#ubuntu-libertine IRC channel]] on Freenode.
=== Usage ===

==== Creating a container ====
{{{#!wiki warning
You cannot use the Terminal App for creating containers due to its confinement.  Please either ssh or adb into the device to create containers.

You can use the Libertine app to create a container, but unfortunately it only supported the creation of LXC-based containers, which are not supported by the version of the kernel on most Ubuntu Touch devices.

You can create a container using the command line.  The tool is smart enough to know the best type of container for your system, so your best bet is to rely on the defaults where possible. {{{
$ libertine-container-manager create --id vivid --name 'Libertine Demo'

==== Installing Applications ====

You can use the Libertine App to install and remove applications.  Alternatively, you can use the command-line tools ({{{libertine-container-manager --help}}} is nice).

==== Surfacing and Launching Container Applications ====

The Libertine Scope should be available from the Scopes scope, entitiled '''Legacy Apps'''.  You should be able to select an application icon and click the Launch button to launch it.

== Getting Help ==

The best way to get help is to contact one of the developer in the {{{#ubuntu-libertine}}} channel on Freenode.