## page was renamed from UbuntuPhone/Meetings #title Beginners Team Meetings <> <> = Full Team Meetings = ||<>|| All meetings are held in '''[[ http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-meeting |#ubuntu-meeting]]''' on '''irc.freenode.net''' Meetings are posted on the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar|Fridge]]. '''Click [[http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=j5q85mmi6ujvjtii5s1n3li5io%40group.calendar.google.com|here]] to subscribe.''' * Google calendar will convert the time for you automatically if you subscribe, but the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar |Fridge]] website will always show events in GMT. === Absences === If you know that you will definitely be unable to attend the next meeting, please put your name and reason in the table below: ||Who || Reason || == Agenda Items and Proposals == PLEASE COME TO THE MEETINGS PREPARED. This means: 1. If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda. 1. We can discuss in the next meeting. ||Agenda Items || || Who || What || Reason || === Post-Meeting Tasks === * '''Update Next meeting time on the wiki''' * '''Send meeting minutes to <>''' * '''Clear the meeting agenda and topics in this page to use the page for the next meeting''' === Steps to Schedule Next Meeting === These steps are to be performed after each meeting to ensure that all locations that mention the date of the next meeting are up-to-date 1. Determine a date and time for the next meeting. Be sure to check the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Fridge]] and verify that there isn't a meeting already scheduled for that time. If there is, the meeting might need to be held in #ubuntu-phone instead of #ubuntu-meeting. 1. Update the /topic in #ubuntu-phone to reflect the date/time of the next meeting 1. Verify that the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar |Fridge]] has the correct information for the upcoming meeting. If it does not have the correct information, remove the incorrect event, and [[Fridge/Calendar|add]] a new event with the correct information. 1. Announce the new meeting on the <> ## 1. Update the [[UbuntuTV/Includes/Bulletin | wiki header]]. Be sure to update the timeanddate.com link url as well as the link text. == Logs of previous meetings == === 2011 === || Date || Link || ##---- ##CategoryTVTeam