
Automatic Screenshots

The Ubuntu Desktop Course contains a vast number of screenshots. Different ways to take them automatically are researched and evaluated here.


  1. Install python-dogtail
  2. Run Applications->Programming->Dogtail Script Recorder

Test Run 1

In lesson 2 'Exploring the Ubuntu Desktop' a series of screenshots is shown, starting from an empty desktop, covering the top panel menus and the add to panel dialog.

  1. Start Dogtail Script Recorder
  2. Record
  3. Open Applications->Accessories->Take Screenshot

  4. Make screenshots
  5. Repeat last two steps until all screenshots have been taken

Note: The print screen hotkey does not work when menus on a panel are open, hence the application was opened and not the hotkey used.


The recorded script only took half the number of screenshots than the actual run, see dogtail-screenshots.tbz2 for the script and the different screenshots taken.


The script doesn't work as expected. Maybe manual editing of the script will give a better result.

Training/AutoScreenshots (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:14 by localhost)